So on a single MnM pattern, I set up a track with an arp set to RND. It plays a few notes before a note off trig stops them.
When I loop the pattern, every time the sequencer trigs the arp, the notes are different, as you would expect with a random arp.
Then I make a few copies of the pattern, introduce a few variations among them, and chain them together to create a longer loop. (The arp is still trigged in each pattern and has the same settings.) Now, however, every time the sequencer trigs the arp, the notes the arp produces are the same, i.e. no variation in the resulting melody from one pattern to the next. Which kinda defeats the purpose
I’ve tried a few simple ideas, like letting the arp run freely (killing the volume with a trigless trig instead of stopping it with note off), changing its length to an odd number, etc. … no luck, I assume because the arp settings are tied to the pattern itself, not the kit, so the arp starts over from its initial condition when the pattern changes.
Anybody got a potential solution here?