
greetings forum ! some more OT + MD jammage ; recorded+edited in ableton. hope u guys enjoi the soundz 感謝你聽 :slight_smile:

I love this!

Indeed, really digging all the tunes up on your Soundcloud page.



thx for the listens. been checking out others’ tunes here as well, a lot of excellent stuff. 我也覺得台語好像很難,我一點台語也不會。中文夠難吧 :P

You just gained a SC follower. :+1:

Excellent! Care to share some workflow or technical details? I’m hooked on combining the md and ot…

sure thing. all of this is one part with a few patterns and lots of scene fuckery. particularly enjoy scene locks to start and rate (time stretched rate) and effect params. also enjoying using neighbor machines for a real variety in sonic palette, in particular reverb->lo fi creates some nice textures. plus that lo fi effect is so rad since you get you get four effects in one. the machinedrum is just routed directly to the main outs as to not lose a track on the OT.

Very nice textures, real fine to listen all your soundcloud, great pleasure to follow u now.

Thanks for the reverb-> lo-fi comment!

Reminds me of delay -> fuzz pedal, lots of textures to explore there… the lo-fi fx are worth experimenting with, gently modulating the SR and BR at various speeds generates soo many subtle variations.

Keep doing what you’re doing!
