I currently have a machinedrum UW and love it but I wanna add some synths to the equation. I’m looking at getting a microbrute and a volca keys as they seem to be nice entry level analogue synths that I’ll probably end up processing to shit through different plug ins/effect pedals. But I’m wondering if its possible to sequence both synths from the MD? Both the microbrute and the volca only have midi in. I dont actually have alot of experience with midi, can I use the midi thru on the MD to sequence one of the synths and use the midi out to sequence another?
as they both have their own sequencers you could consider just syncing them, they both accept clicks to advance their sequencers, that’ll be easy from the MD - just an option to throw in the mix !
[Edit] the microbrute may need 5v ! The korg stuff works with both to advance clock
True. use an audio out of the MD sent to the gate in would do the trick. The MicroBrute needs it’s sequencer set to ‘Gate’ via the MicroBrute Connection software; no idea how to do it with the Volca.
Alternatively the OP needs a MIDI splitter or the upcoming iConnectivity iConnect MIDI 4+ (USB Host and chains via a hub)