Quick question about "Crop Sample"

I have a long sample loaded into a flex machine in bank A. In bank B I have another section from the same sample loaded into another flex machine. This takes up to much memory so I want to crop the sample and just load the very small parts of the large sample into memory.

If I crop the section used in bank A will it delete everything but that small part from the CF card or will it just unload the unused part of the sample and leave the original sample available for bank B?

The EDIT functions are non-destructive, thus won’t alter the original sample.

The change is linked to the sample-slot position, so to make a different cropped version in a different bank you’ll have to use another sample-slot!

I’m starting to appreciate the audio editor in the octatrack, it seems to be tailored for my creativity.

Interesting point: Is the amount of RAM used by the Flex machines in this case reduced to the size of the cropped section or is it still the size of the original sample loaded into the Slot? (I’m away from my Octatrack).

Good question, the manual doesn’t go in depth on that subject, only way to find out is test and I won’t see my studio for another 275 minutes.

Also I’d like to know what is exactly saved when using the ‘save sample settings’ and what happens when I do a ‘revert to saved file’ ?

It appears that no RAM is recovered when a sample is cropped.

The only advantage to this, that I can think of, is that reserving the memory used by the original, uncropped, file ensures the “Revert to saved file” action from the File menu works correctly.

In order to free up the RAM, you would use “Save sample copy” and create a new sample of the cropped section. The downside to this is that it uses up more space on the CF card.

That seems logical. To have more a bit more RAM for the sampleslot, I restrict recorder tracks to R1-R3. I never seem to use more than 2-3 recorder buffers at the same time and not having to reserve RAM for R4-R8 gives me a lot more to play with.

Still 80MB is a lot of samples! :slight_smile: