Question about Transferring Kits and Sounds to another project

From my understanding (please let me know if I am wrong, still a newbie)- saved kits and saved sounds are only saved in the current project, which means if I create a new project, I cannot use any of the sounds or kits I created in another project?

I have spent some time creating samples and sounds and saving them to my sound pool, only to realize I cannot use them in any other project but the one I am currently in…

Is there a way around this or am I missing something?

You can save Sounds to the +Drive, which allows them to be loaded (copied) into other projects. You can’t do the same with Kits, sadly. You need to wrangle the Sounds individually, and copy the FX params page by page.

You can do something similar to Sounds with Samples. I’ll make a mess of it if I try to explain it. Sounds wont retain the sample data when you save them, but they will retain the Sample Slot setting. I forget how to get Samples into the right Slot in the new Project, sorry.

If a kit contains samples, you’ll have to manually locate the samples and assign them to the correct tracks. It’s a slight pain, but totally doable.

You can practice by copying kits from the Presets project, and pasting them to a new project, then finding and reassigning samples. That’s what I did, to avoid making a mess of my own kits, while I was learning.

Thanks @melisshki! I didn’t know about that.

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This is an amazing way to look at copying Kits between Projects.

Was literally trying to wrap my head around this last night, writing down notes, etc.

I may have found another workaround, or I’m just naive and just stumbled on a known feature. Here’s what I did:

  1. Created a Project (P-A) with a Kit (K-A) with samples that I wanted to copy to a new Project (P-B)
  2. Manually saved each Track Sound in K-A to the +Drive
  3. Copied K-A in P-A
  4. Created a new Project (P-B)
  5. Pasted K-A into P-B
  6. At this point, I noticed that all the samples in K-A’s Sound Pool were correctly populated. I have no idea why. I dont remember if they actually PLAYED the correct sample or not, I just know for sure that the sample numbers/names were lined up. I tried copying a Kit between Projects before manually saving each Track Sound to the +Drive, and my samples in the new Project’s Sound Pool were gone.
  7. I manually loaded Track Sounds that I saved to the +Drive in step 2 to each matching Track
  8. Now, K-A has seemingly been copied over 1:1

Let me know if I missed something or this doesnt seem accurate and I’ll go back and double check.

Copy/duplicate project and clear the patterns ?
Probably not quite what you want.