I feel like the question about copying bank has been asked a million times but I don’t feel it has been answered directly. I am looking to set up a bank with the full structure of the song, I would like to copy that bank and edit the structure for every copied bank so I can the then chain them together.
how do I copy a bank getting patterns, sounds and trigs?
I don’t think there is a way to do this. You can copy/paste each pattern one at a time, and the trigs/kit will be copied with it, but the kit will still be the original (presumably you want it to actually reference a copy of the original kit.)
So you’d have to copy each pattern one at a time and then be sure to save the kit to a new location for the new pattern to preserve the original kit.
Can’t you copy the project and start with the kits in that way?
Sucks bank copy is not there but everyone work flow is different…[/quote]
Yeah you can copy the project but it’s no use if you have a project that you already started without copying, which is what I did.