Question about accenting mb33 notes via OT

Hello fellow elektronauts,

Fist time posting here.
My question is about accenting the mb33 via the apreggiator of the octatrack, there is an accent function on the mb33 as far as I know.

Is it possible to send accented notes to the mb33 via the apreggiator, and if so how is this done? Sorry if this is a stupid question I’m new to the octatrack.


MB33 accent works by the note velocity (adjust sensibility with it’s Accent knob), I don’t own an OT but the idea is to set the note velocity you want to accent above the velocity value set on MB33 accent knob.

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From what I remember with the mb33 accent is achieved by sending a full 127 velocity note.

Beat me to it!

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haha, fast fingers!


I don’t think that was the original question. I quickly checked but I don’t think it’s possible to define individual velocity to arpegiated notes. You might have a chance by using a design LFO modulating velocity but I didn’t try.

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Well, it’s related as MB33 creates accents via velocity.

I found this thread with some arp ideas:
Arpeggiator Tutorial

From what I understand you can play with arp parameters via p-locks/trigless-trigs or LFO, so I think there’s a way to set note velocity.
Maybe someone with an OT can answer.

I do have an OT

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Alright guys thanks for helping me out,

now I at least know it’s possible to send velocity notes. Gonna research more on the apreggiator notes and if it’s possible to accent notes in there. Other than that is it possible to create an awesome acid lead without the apreggiator? Haven’t gotten my mb33 just yet and are just getting the hang of midi settings and stuff.

Have a good day y’all.

As I said before, not within the arpegiator itself but by using a design LFO that modulates note velociy you can.

Other possibility is using two midi tracks that trigger the arpeggiator with different velocities, one for regular notes, one for accented notes


Awesome gonna try that with the apreggiator,
Could I let them overlap each other and let’s say in the buildup of my song(acid techno) no accent and i activate the second midi track when the drop comes and the accented notes kick in and replace the original normal notes? Thanks :smile:

Possibly, yes. You should try. Think crossfader and scenes.

Alright, I will report back with the results if I have my mb33. Thanks again.

from the mb33 manual

  • The Accent is triggered via Midi at Velocity values> = 120th

I also use the mb33 with my octatrack and it’s fun. There are different ways to get nice acid sequences from it. As djerror said velocity over 120 is accent.