Quadrinity setups?

Well, funk me. I’ve spent the last year looking for the optimal solution to sort of “bring the four Elektrons” together. I’ve tried an MPC, found it too tedious to use with too little visual feedback, sold it. I waited four months for a Cirklon, found that too tedious to use with too much stuff I didn’t really need and with little visual feedback, and sold it. I eventually got the Maschine Studio - it was buggy, and MIDI implementation was crap - sold that one too. I got the Ableton Push just a few days ago, and even though it does almost everything just right, I’m experiencing weird behaviour by Live, MIDI-timing isn’t great, and it’s randomly not doing things I tell it to do (like sending program changes at the right time). I want to give it some more time, as I really like the interface and the idea behind it, but … when Push comes to shove (hah), maybe it would just be easier to simplify things?

I could just daisy chain the four of the Elektrons and keep a strict overview over which songs uses which patterns on which machines. That would somehow be a lot more immediate, yet I’m thinking it might become a bit too “restricted” and inflexible somehow (which was what lead me out on this impossible quest in the first place).

So I’m basically wondering, to you people with the quadrinity or the trinity or whatever, how do you route things? Do you just daisy chain your Elektron machines and use one of them as the main MIDI-clock center? When I got the Octatrack, I tried feeding the Monomachine and the MD through it, but never got the volumes where I wanted them to be with the listening machines. Maybe I was doing something wrong. How do you piece together your tracks? Do you have one machine sending patterns changes to the others, for instance?

Anyways - looking for some good examples to try out, as I’m getting frustrated by this process rut I’m in.

And yes, I do realize that I might just be looking for the “perfect” solution as a sort of subconscious excuse to the fact that I suck at making music. Maybe that’s the only thing I really have to realize, haha. :slight_smile:

Edit; I just realized there was already a thread about this, that I’ve even participated in.


So unless you have something to add, you may let this thread die a slow and painful death. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Daisuk,

If the Ableton + Push combo is nearly perfect except for some timing issues then perhaps an Innerclock Systems Sync-Gen is worth considering. Check out some of the EU comments and even some on GS.


Yeah, thanks for the tip! I have seen it, and I will consider it if I manage to iron out the other issues I’m having first. :slight_smile:

I’ve got all four Elektron machines now and am going to marry them to my iPad with an iConnectivity iConnectMIDI4+.
The only piece I’m missing is the iConnect, which is due to me around January 1st.
It’s perfect as it has 4 midi ins and outs and I can also add a Teenage Engineering OP-1, iPad and Macbook all to the same hub.
Not too shabby.
I’m probably gonna use Lemur or something similar to be able to choose patterns and kits, etc with the touchscreen and use the Elektron units’ knobs to do live tweaking etc.

My setup isn’t ideal but here’s how I do it:

Monomachine is first and master clock. It also sequences any other external synths I have, and acts as a selector for the midi controller (basically routes the midi controller to the remaining Elektron synths).

All the synths except the MD go to a mixer, and then back to the OT. The MD goes direct in to the second set of inputs.

The OT then works as a supermixer, and it’s ready to sample at the push of a button. I do the MD on a separate input so that I can do filters / fades / mutes on the drums separate from the rest of the mix.

I run all the sequencers unsync’d, which is the real problem. I end up inevitable neglecting one of the quadrinity, usually the Monomachine.

My quadrinity workflow looks like this:

OT is the center of the universe. Everything is assembled in patterns and the arranger. Parts are mostly used as a backup. Scenes are my angel. Other devices routed to inputs as needed. Midi used very occasionally, usually if something needs to be tighter than I can do by hand.

I compose on the most appropriate machine for the sound at hand and immediately record everything into the OT which is configured to save all samples into the project folder. I don’t worry anymore about saving out complex multi-synth setups with notes, routings, etc. That used to really slow me down. Record and keep going is my mantra.

Over the ten+ years of Elektron use, this workflow is far and away the most productive. Rather than getting lost in re-creating complex setups just to tweak something, I work in the OT and get stuff done.

Thank you Elektron! :heart:

I’ve been in a similar boat trying to set up my Trinity (plus other things). It was going well but I’ve reached the “should have been more organised form the start” stage.

However, if they ever release the A4 OS update I should be able to remedy the mess if indeed the +drive functions in a similar way to the MnM with snapshots etc. As it is patterns are all over the place on different machines and it’s a pain in the arse trying to recall what machine is on what pattern for my 6 song long set.

What I plan to do is have a song per bank. So all data pertaining to song one will be on banks A on all machines. That way, When I need to use a new project I can use a new snapshot and start again. 8 tracks per project is plenty for me and knowing that patterns correlate will be helpful. If the A4 +drive update doesn’t function in the same way I’m not sure what I will do though.

You’ve seen how I have everything routed right? I find it really immediate in terms of writing. I don’t find it restrictive in any sense. I can sample the non elektron machines if need be or I can use them as thru machines (routed through other elektron boxes). OT is a brilliant hub. Recently I’ve been thinking I’d like to get an MD if only for kicks and secondary percussion but I can’t afford it and don’t have the space.

I’ve thought about adding push but I don’t think I want ableton in the mix. As it is I use ableton at work when I don’t have my elektron boxes with me. I make breaks and edit samples (slice to transient is useful etc). I like the disconnection.

I’ve seen your set up and you have a lot of gear but you also have a lot of elektron machines that can control it all. You don’t have to sequence everything from the OT, you could sequence some of it from the MnM as well giving 14 midi tracks. More if you include the MD midi machines. the only thing the OT and MnM etc suck at it in terms of sequencing is Poly. Poly stuff is very basic. That’s the only thing I sometimes feel is lacking… anyway I have typed WAYYYYYY to much. Sorry.

Cool, man, that sounds inspiring. :slight_smile: I might end up there at some point myself! haha.

Nice, man, thanks for the detailed reply. :slight_smile: I also planned for the “song per bank” thing, and actually had it going on the Monomachine for a while, I was productive as hell for a couple of months, but then the gear lust kind of piled up new things I wanted to tweak, and productivity just went down again.

I’ve seen how you route things, but I don’t remember it at the moment, but you’re basically using the OT as far as I understand. That sounds pretty cool. I haven’t really used the OT that much for sampling stuff from the other machines, for some reason, I always think that if I do that then it will be way less manageable than if I keep it on say the Mono as MIDI, and adjust the parameters as I’d like. But in reality I just end up with lots and lots of projects that have started, but not really done anything with. I have sounds upon sounds and sound combinations ad infinitum, but it’s the piecing together part that’s missing.

I guess I’ve also been against the idea of partially sequencing from the Mono and part from the OT, because it would make me lose some sort of overview. But it’s just in my head, it might be that it would work brilliantly for me.

I have a few things left to try with Push, but if it doesn’t work out, I’ll get rid of it and start from scratch with what I have. I made so many tracks when I only had the Monomachine, maybe I should just sell everything except that, haha. :wink:

Edit; what’s wrong with this forum and paragraphs? Jeez.

Hey why not try this. Octatrack at the center A4 going into input a/b then MD going into input c/d then have MnM going into A4 audio inputs. midi out from OT to MD then A4 then MnM. This would work if you don’t want to use an external mixer everything will be in sync with 16 drum parts and 10 synths plus at least 6 tracks for sample playback.

This is exactly how I have mine set up at the moment. I got all four Elektrons over a short space of time and am still learning them. I have tried a few set ups but this seems he best config so far for me. I have not been making tracks yet, just playing around as I learn. I don’t know if I will sequence each machine separately or just use the OT as the master sequencer. Also, if I bring in my other synths then I will have to go through a mixer.
I also have a Novation Sl zero in the midi chain. The sliders control the OT track volumes and the buttons do mutes and solos. I wish all the Elektons would have midi mute and solo for track!

I sequence everything separately and jam with a element of improvisation. You could use the midi tracks on the OT to send program changes to the other boxes I think, but I never tried. I manually sequence everything, do mute jamming, play the keyboard on the A4 and OT and use the OT as a performance effects box/ sample playback machine. If you want to do multitrack recording on say your sound card, you could send the extra outputs from the MnM and MD to the additional inputs on your sound card/recording device.

Reading this thread has got me thinking about using Live and a controller (push, launchpad, apc) to send pattern changes from clips… seems like it would be easier than changing patterns from the individual boxes and you’d get visual feedback where you are on each machine. My thought is that you could avoid the sync issues by only sending the pattern changes from Live, keeping clock and transport control within the Elektrons. Not sure if it work but I’d like to try it sometime.

I have a OT/MD/MNM + a bunch of analog synths and some guitars and mics, and I sample everything into the OT except the MD (which goes into inputs AB) by routing everything through a mixer with the OT inserted into the master bus so it all goes into inputs CD. I could run everything straight into the OT but I have some effects I like to run things through individually.

Wow, can’t believe you sold the Cirklon Daisuk!!!

What Allerian says about work flow, not getting slowed down by processes & moving on is so true!

If you look at the people with the most output, you’ll see they make decisions quickly & move on, Cenk was like that when I was fortunate enough to hang out at his place.
It either worked or was binned in seconds, I would fuck about for hours, still do :slight_smile:

Re kit
At the moment Cirklon supplies clock to everything & has instrument Defs/ Tracks in place for everything.
MD thru A4 into A/B of the OT.
Virus thru MM into C/D of the OT.

This way all the Elektrons can be self driven or sequenced from the Cirklon.
Generally 90% of the MD is self contained but I can now have a Fill Track or odd meter stuff on the Cirklon that I can bring in at any time.

The OT is totally self sufficient as there’s little melodic content on there that would benefit from the Cirklon. (At least the way I work. Single cycle synthesists would find it invaluable however).

The MM & A4 benefit greatly from Cirklon Auxes/Masks/Accumulators/Random features etc. Imagine an FM Static bassline on the MM running in 7/16 swapping values with an A4 lead that’s running in 3/4 over a 4/4 pumping groove, well it floats my boat, lol

Re layout, on the Elektrons I try to use 4 patterns per song & keep all the machines lined up, even if one isn’t used in a song, keeps things simple.

Finally, in answer to the original question I seriously doubt purchasing new kit will solve any problems, most likely exasperate them.
In your shoes I’d run the MD thru OT A/B with the MM thru A4 thru OT C/D.
Guess it all depends on what you’re trying to achieve & therein lies another question!!! :slight_smile:

When it come to balancing sounds thru the OT I find setting my sample playback to +12dB keeps things about right. (+6dB if your inputs are showing amber).

Hope you find your path dude


Oh, absolutely, completely agree with that. It’s gotten a bit over board here lately. We’ll see, I really like Push, so do want to incorporate it into the setup and get it flowing with the rest of the stuff, or simply just use it as a separate thing when I want to do that.
Thanks a lot for the tips! I think I’ll have to try them all out and just see which fits the best. :slight_smile:

Another good tip! Thanks, I’ll try it out. :slight_smile:

my favorite way of using them together, multimapping!

MIDI on one triggers patterns on another, that triggers patterns on another…no one box is the master, it’s what i like about hardware.

i really hope the machinedrum gets some CV trig options for it’s multimap. i mean, right now the analog 4 is left out from all the fun because it doesn’t send MIDI, but if you could switch, start, stop, gate patterns/tracks with CV…! :astonished: :heart:

Does anyone else experience that like MIDI c3 on the MachineDrum is different than c3 on the the Monomachine or Octatrack?