Well, i have since last week completed my Trinity to the Quadrinity but before i got the Analog Four i had no problems with how to connect them without using my little Tapco mixer but now i think i have to dig it out from the closet.
Im guessing that having my Monomachine inserted into the Machinedrum would remove the least functions from the set but i don’t know.
How would you connect the four of the for the least loss of sonic possibility?
I would also like to have some smart tips on how the best order is to have the midi connected. Now i have the Octa as a master, and it goes into the MD -> MnM -> A4 it i think it sounds tight.
It would also be handy to have the most efficient midi mapping so that i could use a midikeyboard to play melodies and enter notes more easy. On the other hand i guess the mini keyboard on the A4 could be used to control the MnM and the Octa but i don’t know.
A4 Audio out OT, MnM L output to MD, MnM R output to A4. By doing this, I dont have to mess around with cables if I want to use either MD or MnM for further processing. As the inputs work monophonically on MD and A4 I dont mind having it setup like this. MD goes into the other stereo pair in the OT.
I use the OT midi sequencer to control other gear, especially MnM in poly mode