What’s the difference between sampling setup parameter QREC and QPL?
Despite the manual definitions, it’s not clear for me. Please help!
QREC makes it possible to time quantize manual sampling and Pickup machine sampling.
QPL makes it possible to quantize manual trigging of the recorder buffers and Pickup machines.
Key difference appears to be ‘time quantize manual sampling’ vs. ‘quantize manual trigging’ but that’s incredibly and confusingly similar.
QREC is the record quantize, QPL is the play or launch quantize…
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QREC = quantizes the start of the recording process.
QPL = quantizes the start of playback of a machine when triggered.
I don’t really understand why the manual’s writing isn’t clear to you, but hopefully my rephrasing helped 
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OMG. That helped! And now it’s painfully obvious! Sorry for the silly question! But thanks all for the help!