Punch in record


I have a workflow in mind i don’t know how, or if, i can achieve.

For example
Lets say i sample a pattern lenght of a synth line going into the octatrack and loop that on the record buffer.
What i want to do now is to tweak the parameters of the synth to get a different sound, and then “punch in”/overdub that new sound onto the previously recorded loop, replacing specific parts of it.

I assume this isn’t possible with just a flex track since starting the sample process again clears the buffer and starts sampling from the beginning of the recording buffer.

So a Pickup Machine must be used i guess since that has an overdub feature that can record onto the buffer at it’s current playback position.
I can almost achive what i want using a Pickup Machine, but i have to wait a pattern lenght to actually hear the loop with the newly added overdub. I want to be able hear what i overdub the buffer with.
Any ideas?

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You can use Replace with Pickups.
But it’s not convenient, alternating Overdub and Replace.

You can hear what you record, monitoring settings in REC SETUP 2.

Probably a way to punch in with Recorders / Flex, with 2 recorders…tough.


For punch in with Rec/Flex, I think a have a solution. 2 Recorders, to patterns, necessity to send 2 midi notes at the same time (external midi, or midi loopback).

@Micke.k other aproach : make several recordings of your synth, same length.
Plock start point, then plock recordings (sample locks).


Yeah the sample lock method works well for a similar workflow

So you prefer it? With some trickery, you can even switch between different recordings…

Example with 16 loops, switching with crossfader. Btw maybe possible with my lfo on start trick…:thinking:

Octatrack 64 breakbeat x 16 slices megabreak of doom:


Hey @sezare56 would it be easy/possible to explain this in more detail for me, a new OT guy? I would love to be able to do this but its above my pay grade by a ways, i think.


:sleeping_bed::coffee: Tough, I said above. :content:
I’d have to try, so I’m not sure if it works properly.

Principle :
Pattern 1 records constantly with Recorder 2, Recording 2 being plocked with start points on a Flex on track 1. Rec tric on Track 2.
With midi, send a rec combo message (note 60) and a play sample message (note 84).
This should play over with recording 1 the previous recording played with recording 2.

Change to Pattern 2 to play recording 2.


Not sure if I’ll understand reading this in a few weeks…:smile:

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@sezare56 hahahaha you are the best , man.

Ok i will experiment because it just sounds like an interesting approach. Thanks for laying down your idea.


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