Video of the begining of my Live set at Freqs Of Nature 2014 (by Full moon Festival).
Sunday 6th of July at the Groove Floor.
Live set without Laptop using:
[li]Elektron Octatrack - Brain of the set. Arrangement heavily pre-programed.[/li]
[li]Clavia Nord Micro Modular - Synth FX[/li]
[li]KMI Quneo - MIDI Controller for Nord Synths and controlling OT Scences.[/li]
[li]CerebelUSB - USB-MIDI to Serial converter (DIY)[/li]
Track Name: LET US ALL UNITE! - By Multiman
It was a pleasure for me to put this video together!! hope you like it!
Yes it was a very nice festival, to number a few things, the organization was absolutely amazing, very attent and caring, I felt like at home… I have never been to a festival where the toilets are perfectly clean untill the end of the festival and longer… So this was a huge surprise
Apart of an excelent lineup-artist selection, the energy and actitude around was very nice, positive, full of good vibrations… A very good sounding Funktion One PA system, with Stage monitoring too, very smooth and not painfull to the ears at all… so yes all in all a pleasure to play there.
I compose my music using a combination of Hardware and Software tools, I then arrange them in Ableton, then I export the stereo “groups” that make the song in to the OT (24B -44.1), slice them in the different sections and re-arrange them, adding FX, scenes and external sounds… all int he Arranger, and keeping most of the structure intact…
Lately Im making my Basslines using the Virus TI, I used to just make leads and FX on it, but got really focused in making a nice souding bassline with it and Im happy now with the sound and variations I can make with it… Kickdrum is normally Bazzism or either the Nord Micro Modular, but allways sampled and containing Kick + Bass in the same track so Sidechaining, Mixing and all the Little touches are already done in the sample.
A pleasure to explain a bit of the Setup!
All the best!
Love a bit of Psytrance/Goa nicely done.
Personally I like to see a bit more creation on the fly as opposed to stem playback but hell, the audience don’t know any different & it’s probably just an ego thing on my part lol
Festival looks wicked, old school with focus on people/music & not corporate bollocks
I agree that a Live set is allways much more fun with 100% of control of everything, the problem with Psytrance is the complex arrangements, keeping the energy flowing for 90 minutes… Doing all this by hand is just not possible. I do this in other styles more techy or experimental…
Before I use to play with many more machines, and somehow manage to make complete sets with no computer and full control, but quality was noticeable less, worst arrangement etc, apart of the fact of no way you are going to Fly with all that gear. The OT is the closest that Im now to a perfect setup, where you can use all stems, all Live, or a mix of Both…
Another issue is timming, if you are contracted to play 90 minutes, you must respect that, instead of finishing quicker or longer…
Regarding QuNeo, is one of the most Fun things Ive bought in years… ridiculously full of expressive control… It makes a perfect combo with the OT because allows to send up to 4 Midi CC values + Note (per pad), I use it to control the 16 FX scenes in the OT with the 16 Trigger pads, aswel as a kind of Launchpad for trigering samples, or to play external synths… And is very small, lightweight and durable.
Multiman makes some extremly valid points there as anyone who’s toured will be aware.
Excess baggage costs can really mount up on fly out shows so keeping it to a minimum is a must.
Also starting & finishing a set on time is essential especially on festivals otherwise the whole event gets screwed up.
Another point worth mentioning is that the focus on forums is primarily about skill sets/musicianship etc… Rarely do I see posts on entertaining a crowd, something I’m pretty sure has crossed Multimans mind
Most topics are about issues, specific questions, techniques, but not for in depth and real Live situations… At home everything works in a way, but taking your gear to a crowded Club or Event, install all your your Setup in a messy desk and dark stage (alone) makes things diferent. You need to somehow develope your music and setup thinking on that momment.
Back in 2004 when I started doing gigs with my own music, I used to be obssesed about NoLaptop concept, even for composing OTB allways…
Then two things happened first a friend came to my house and asked me, “oh can you pass me your music so I can DJ with it?” and I said, “I can´t right now, the track doesnt exist as a finished product, I would have t record it as I play it Live allways…” He said “man that´s not possible, you need to have your tracks going from A to B so people can listen to it”… This is true even if you like to do improvisation as you need a guide to acomplish a complex arrangement and keep energy… also eventually if people like your music they want to hear “those” tracks in a Gig…
Second, once I decided to start using a Compute for at least, create a version going from A to B and doing some EQ, mixing… finishing tracks (even if you dont like them) and promoting them, I got called by labels… and started to do international gigs.
So balance is the key, and to know what your realistic needs are, software and hardware wise.