Can sounds be loaded into the project sound pools via Sysex? As far as i can tell i can send sounds to the +drive banks only. Also i cant see a way to copy existing sounds in the +drive to the project sound pool. This is an issue because when trying to p-lock a sound to a trig you can only load sounds from the pool which is an unpopulated wasteland unless i save sounds there individually.
fairly sure all of that is doable, but it may depend on whether you are in pool/drive and whether there are slots free in pool - either way, there are a few options if you cursor left/right from the sound manager (not browser)
You can copy sounds from +Drive to pool (and the other way around) by pressing right arrow in the sound manager and then choosing “Copy to…”
The sound browser (which opens when you double click the track button) doesn’t have these options.
THANK YOU! I was looking through the manual trying to find this for hours on end… since my pool was full, I had to first delete sounds from it to make room, browse the +drive, find the sounds and then “copy to…” -> “pool”
but it works! Awesome