Program For Converting a Ton of Samples

The guy in the alley does this for me. He’s not that fast, and he loses a lot of my samples, but at least I don’t have to worry about it.


does fission also do correct conversion of stereo samples summed to mono?

Not sure but would ask, support is great I have most of the apps.

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thanks looks like they get back to inquires fast…

does anybody know what happened to the Audio Finder Editor app for Macs, use to use that back in the day when it first dropped but seems like the company is no longer there or was changed?

+1 on learning some ffmpeg, it’s just so insanely fast :dizzy:

also for batch-renaming samples!
i also use it in my photogrammetry-from-video stuff

Adobe Audition 1.0, Audacity or even iTunes can batch process.

Another vote for Twisted Wave

OK, thanks everyone!

I decided to use sox for this (on my mac). I managed to get it installed and I have figured out how to apply the conversion to a batch of samples that are all in the same folder. However, I would like to apply it to a bunch of folders at once and keep the converted files in folders with the same structure.

I also don’t want to have to become a unix expert to do this so does anyone have a script or know of a tutorial somewhere I could read to do this?

Thanks again!

DSP Quattro for me.

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Can’t you manually duplicate your folder structure in finder, then run the sox command on the whole thing? It might just be a question of adding a flag to the command to force it to search subfolders.

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It would take me days to duplicate the folders manually, some get pretty deep and there are probably thousands of them.

So I’m guessing your .wav files can be found at varying depths in you folder hierarchy ?

And is it thousands of files … or thousands of directories (with many more files) ?

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Probably hundreds of directories with thousands of samples.

Well, so long as you have enough disk space making a deep copy of your samples shouldn’t be hard.

At the commmand line

  cp -r my-original-samples copy-of-mysamples
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Yeah, I mean duplicate your entire Sample Library top-level folder as Sample Library (2) and run the script on that, if you’ve got the HD space.

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I see. I am still unsure of the commands that I would need to enter to do the conversion on more than just the current directory though :-/

Let me see if i can knock up a one liner …


Ok, it would go something like

find copy-of-mysamples -name \*.wav | xargs -I@ bash -c "sox @ @"

but instead of just ‘sox’ you would put in your full sox command. So if the command you were doing manually was “sox -r 8k -u -b 8 -c 1 my-sample.wav my-sample.wav” (which converts my-sample.wav in place) then the command above would become

find copy-of-mysamples -name \*.wav | xargs -I@ bash -c "sox -r 8k -u -b 8 -c 1  @ @"

The @'s there are the file name you’re converting. You should type the @'s exactly as they are, when this command runs, the right filenames will be plugged in for you.

You might want to try that out on a small hierarchy first to check it’s doing what you want.

Link: Read through all the files and apply a command in Linux - Stack Overflow


So awesome, thanks so much, I will give it a shot and report back here!

OK, I am in the directory that has the folder in it with the copy of my samples named WAV-copy and I am putting this into the terminal:

find WAV-copy -name *.wav | xargs -I@ bash -c “sox @ -b 16 @ rate -v 48k”

and getting errors like these:

sox FAIL formats: can’t open input file `808’: No such file or directory

where 808 etc are the deepest directories where the wav files actually are (that could be inside another directory like “Bass Drum” or something).