Program Change


The Analog Four manual says that it sends program change messages, but I do not see anywhere in the OS to set this and there are no values in the MIDI charts in the appendix.

I’ve turned the program change send option on in the MIDI config page, but how do I set the program change value sent by each pattern?


You cant set the value. Each pattern IS a program, so changing patterns sends the program message corresponding to the new pattern. Luckaly all elektrons have the same pattern structure, so linking multiple elektrons switch along with pattern changes

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Makes sense, although its a shame that they didn’t implement the option like in the Machinedrum, where you can set the program change value. I don’t have any other Elektron gear at this point, so I need to know what the values are for each A4 pattern so I know how to prepare the other synth that will receive them. This info isn’t in the documentation. Where do I find this?


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what I dislike or perhaps not know is the point that I cannot address on the A4 the bank E to H and there patterns with bank select and programm change commands comming from the Octatrack if I change there a pattern. Only Bank A to D is addressable.

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So, is there anyone out there who would care to share the program change values sent by the Analog Four? Is it a secret?

Signal > I’ve just tested the solution. It’s a bit limited but it works.

I change the octatrack’s pattern from the Analog 4: you have to get the patterns matching on the two machines, and when I play A3 on the Analog 4 it starts A3 on the Octa; A4 on Analog 4 starts A4 on the Octa, etc, ect…

There are no PC values here :frowning: That means you have to have the same numbers of patterns on each machine to play your complete track. It’s pretty limited.

Apparently there’s another solution: multimap on Analog 4 and change patterns via midi notes. Have to try…

edit: Tested: it works, I can command the Analog 4 from the Octa with midi notes to change patterns (just make a multimap in the global mode).

I have the same problem, I don’t know what are the values (in Ableton Live, Bank/Program values) to send Program Change from the DAW to the Analog Four or RYTM. Does anyone care to share?

Thanks for your time!

It’s pretty straightforward:
A1 = 001
A2 = 002

H16 = 128

In some cases it might be offset by one (i.e. A1 being 000 and H16 being 127)

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