Processing external audio

Do i have to place a trig on trig 1 to be able to hear the incoming audio?
Im using the thru machine and the octatrack is sequencing the sub phatty.
I want to hear the sub phatty on the headphones but im a little confused. Sometimes i hear the audio and sometimes not. Its like random.

yes. thru machines need to be trigged.

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ok, thanks.

you can also ‘initiate’ it by pressing Track+Play ! and suppress it with Track+Stop even with the sequencer stopped - you could also use DIR and use a Master Track for FX doing away with the need for Thru & trigging, just as another option

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Ah, i see. Im trying to sample from a sub phatty and ms20 mini connected to input a and b. Which machine should i use?

i’m no expert, but it depends what and how you want to sample and what else u have goin’ on

if you just want to get some examples of straight synth playing then your options would be different to one where you want to immediately process them - it’ll help someone chip in if you say more, like whether you want to separate the synths - remember you can sample (in various ways) on any track/machine it’s just that some offer different playback/processing advantages - i’d just get stuck in and try 'em out, that’s exactly how i’m learning right now !

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come on…it’s plenty of threads like this…! (if you haven’t got in the manual yet)
and, furthermore, videos!!
Secretmusic - Biologik - Skab - Sb-Six (and sorry for other i want to mention by my heart but no supported by memory…)
You can sample even without a machine dedicated. Every track as a sort of second layer where the Recorder is. From those 8 recorders you can sample whatever inputs, track, etc you need to.

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Ok, thanks.
Its my first sampler ever and its a bit confusing.
This time ill try to read the manual backwards. Maybe that helps.

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I know, also the manual doesn’t help out so much…anyway.
youtube video from those guys…you’ll find at least 40 min of video tutorials that will disclose easily a lot of functions!

Have a look at p. 45 of the manual, especially the DIR parameter in the Mixer menu.

Regarding the machines, the Pickup Machine is the one machine that has its own input signal level setting (for monitoring purposes). This is the AB parameter in Recording Setup Menu 2. (p. 52)

So, you don’t have to do this for Flex machines if you want to sample?

(using the quick record)

If you want to sample you have to trigger the recorder with a recorder trig or initiate sampling manually.

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