Problems recording tabla into Octatrack

Hi there! I am having difficulties with my ability to record my tabla (drums) into the OT. I have recorded tabla into the OT before, so I know how to get the basics. The problem that I am experiencing is new.
I have the recording on T2 through a flex machine. I was able to successfully record a sample and save it. Then, I went to slice it. I sliced it to 32 samples and recorded in a few things to check how it sounds. Here is where the issue comes in. The track played the sample back at first, and then stops playing it. The recording basically disappears! All the trigs are there, but there is no audio. I reloaded the sample and it came back. When I tried the process over, the same thing happened. I don’t get what I’m doing wrong! Any advice?

Does no response probably mean this has never happened to anyone before??

The only thing that came to mind is if you happen to have a Recorder Trig placed on your track–one that is recording silence when that step is reached?

You then reload the saved tabla sample, but after a pass from the sequencer, silence is again recorded to that Flex sample?

Just a thought.

Great to hear other OT users work tabla into their projects! :joy:

That was happening to me not long ago. For as long as I’ve had the OT, I don’t quite recall how I was managing to do that, but that’s what it was, somehow re-recording silence. I think I kept arming the track acccidentally or something. derp

^This too :slight_smile:

Thanks for the recording trig suggestion. That was one of the first things I checked, as I’ve also done that before on accident. No dice! When I reload the original sample, it is still there. A record trig would make the sample disappear altogether. My sample is still there, but it goes away once I slice it and try to live record it into my pattern…?
And, thanks! I’m super excited about the endless possibilities ahead with the combined powers of the OT and tabla :slight_smile:

I’ve only had my octatrack two days now so you may have already tried this…

[function] [playback] - set loop off and slice on and length to slice?

I discovered what I was doing wrong and wanted to share, in the event that this happens to anyone else.
I recorded and saved my tabla sample, then sliced it. Because I turned the ‘slice’ to ‘on’ in the setup menu, my sample will only play when the ‘slice’ option is turned on.
I had turned it off because I was using the chromatic scale to record some synth parts and never turned slice back on. That is why my sample kept on disappearing without me knowing where it was.
Thanks for everyone’s feedback!

Thanks for sharing for us, passive readers!