Problem with Banks and Sample Assignment

This is such a weird decision from Elektron and really annoys me. 128 patterns with only 8 samples?! Really?


Not really. 256 samples, available for each pattern (with Sample Locks :roll_eyes:).


hmmmā€¦ but the tracks keep the same samples over all the banks (8) and for all the patterns (16) = 16*8 = 128 and the tracks are max 8 - so 8 samples for 128 patterns (I kept the parts out of the equation)

edit: ā€¦with sample locksā€¦ well that is not the same. ā€¦ then you have 1024 possibilities (256*4 parts)

but the workflow is not cool because you always have to press all the trigs and look what sample is loaded

edit 2: changed slots to tracks

The slots are a list of available samples (128 Static + 128 Flex = 256 max)
You can plock them anywhere.
Parts are totally in the equation concerning default track sample slot assignment.


slotsā€¦ I meant tracks - sorry

Youā€™re talking about default assignment, corresponding to track number.
This can be changed for each part.
16 banks x 4 parts with 8 default track sample, with 256 sample slots available, thatā€™s more than 8 samples per pattern.
(I donā€™t even talk about slices)


yes, default assignments ā€¦you select a track and see instantly what sample is loaded - like on the DT. Only that on the DT the default sample can be changed for each pattern => way to go. Everything else is weird because why would anyone want to use 8 samples over 128 patterns?

Your suggestions are correct but in my eyes only a workaround for a poor decision elektron made back then.

If you donā€™t want to use parts or sample locks, Iā€™d say 16 samples with Flex but maybe you donā€™t want to use them eitherā€¦
Otherwise, 256 samples per pattern.

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so you say each pattern saves the selected machine (flex/static) and thus makes in theory 16 ā€ždefaultā€œ samples (visible when selecting a track)?

These settings are auto saved in parts. Each pattern have 4 parts assignment possible, per bank.

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yeah, I left parts out because I havenā€˜t used parts so far. I always think that I would forget that I used parts for a pattern ā€¦ because how would you remember that you used parts? There is no indication, is there?

As I wrote above, in a bank, default part is part 1 for each pattern. So if you change its settings, they are active in the 16 patterns of the bank, unless you change parts.

I donā€™t especially like to change part, and I totally avoided it at the beginning. :wink:

There is, you can see their number (PT1 highlight) and even name them !


Parts can be also considered as kits.


I totally get it ā€¦but this makes it pretty much unusable in combination with the DT/DN where I use banks as songs - with different kits (whereas it goes even one level further to patterns on DT/DN)

I donā€™t have DT or DN, but why, if you sync patterns ?

On the DT I use banks for songs ā€¦so when switching banks Iā€˜d might want to use different kits (or default samples as you say) to instantly hammer the trigs into the sequence (not change part first or use sample locks). Clear now? I really have a hard time combining those two concepts for my music projects.

You can prepare parts and assign them before playing as you would do for kitsā€¦:thinking:
16 parts would be more convenient.

I can understand that. Iā€™m used to OT know.

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You say I can tell the OT to use Part 1 for Bank A, Part 2 for Bank B? Or even Part 1 for Pattern 1, Part 2 for Pattern 2? I thought Parts are one layer above Banks/Patterns?

You can have up to 64 patterns with a different part.
Some people use part 1 for pattern 1-4, part 2 for pattern 5-8, etc
Each bank as 16 patterns with 4 parts available
16 banks x 4 parts = 64 parts


Well, my question was more if I have to actively have to switch parts or if itā€˜s remembering the part when changing bank/pattern on the DT or OT)