Problem using A4 with modular

Hi I’m wondering if anyone can help me. I’m using an A4 to sequence my modular’s 3 vcos.
These vcos are all very stable (Cwejman vco6, rubicon, doepfer a111) and track perfectly over 5 octaves when using a midi to cv converter. This is also the case when controlling pitch from my a155 sequencer.
Now when controlling the pitch of these same vcos with the a4, they gradually go out of tune as the pitch increases. If I tune them to c3 they will be a semitone out by c5. I cannot understand this. The cv track is set to v/oct so it isn’t something simple like that. They all seem to go out of tune at the same rate so it isn’t an issue with any inividual vco.

All this can only lead me to the conclusion that it is a problem with the a4. I can’t find any settings that could need to be changed. I did play a bit with the volt setting and changed it to .99 per octave and that seemed to help a little but still not good enough. Changing the setting any more simply makes it a lot worse.

Any help or guidence much appreciated. This is really annoying me!


My advice would be to ignore the A4 display and either use a tuner or accurate voltmeter to set the A4 CV parameters, then I bet you will be able to get it to track perfectly.

I posted about it on the old forum, but surprised it has not been fixed in the last update.

Hi Daren
Thanks for the reply. I’m not sure what you mean. I don’t have a volt meter but I am using a tuner. What I’ve been doing is triggering C on the a4 sequencer and then tuning the vcos to that. Then going up by the octave using transpose. In the CV set up page I’ve been then messing with the volt amount to try and get them to stay in tune while always referencing the tuner. But obviously if I set it to get the higher notes in tune, when I move back down a couple of octaves it goes out by the same amount. Like whatever way I set it the ratio of out-of-tuneness stays the same.
Am I missing something here and being thick?!

i think you have to keep retuning both parameters until the pitch is correct.
the “middle c” and “v/oct” because changing one effects the other.