Problem syncing external audio (Rytm) to A4

Hey guys,

I just got my Rytm and I am having problems syncing the rytms sounds to the A4. The Rytm is slaved to the A4 alright, I am just not getting any audio signal from the Rytm. My cables are in the Rytm output going into the A4
's input.

Is anyone else having this problem?

Also does anyone get a white noise hiss when the rytm is master volume is turned up all the way?

Thanks for the tips

Forgot to add that I am using headphones.

Pick one of the tracks on the A4. Set the OSC1 and OSC2 to the left and right inputs. Lay down a trig with the note length turned up to infinite.

Or select the FX track and select the Ext In page and up the volume.

Thanks guys :slight_smile: