Pro VS Mini from Behringer

I can polychain this right ?

You seem to be coughing a bit in this thread.

Are you feeling alright, buddy? :wink:

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This is in so-ugly-it’s-cool territory. Aesthetics are reminiscent of an early 90s Alesis or Peavey rack unit, I’m OK with that.

Also definitely has analog filters, it says on the faceplate. And 4-voice limit would make little sense otherwise.


It should perhaps be noted that if this is truly a VS type clone, that wavetables means single cycle waveforms. Interesting to see, 99$ is a hell of a deal but also volca size with menu diving seems like a bit of a questionable choice to me. Then again programing on the classic Prophet VS is also not ideal. I assume it has a modmatrix but it doesn’t look exactly obvious how one might actually operate that functionality. I suppose the big question is if they are properly emulating the sample playback, transposition algos, D to A and VCAs basically all the stuff that makes those classic hybrids great.

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Is there info anywhere that indicates the unit actually has 4 analog filters? I wonder if one compromise is to make a paraphonic unit with only one filter.

that looks fucking atrocious lol


I dunno – it’s very volca-esque to me.

I don’t think the price point is amazing given their buying power, you could almost DIY it for close to this price as an individual, those gamepad joysticks, small Oled and mini pots can be bought very cheaply. 10 years ago maybe, but since Korg brought out the Volca range I think that cheaper gear is more commonplace now with IK, Arturia and others including small companies making budget synths.

The design looks a bit amateur to me, but I think it could be interesting although not something I’d be interested in personally, it will be interesting to see the inevitable comparisons with the Prophet VS though.

I have to hand it to them though for persisting with the relentless recreating other companies gear, even if I don’t see the point of it, it is kind of funny.


But its got Soul ooohh


Right? I’m not even just talking about hardware/anything music related when I say this might be the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.

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I hate this thing and I haven’t even heard it yet. Looks horrendous. It seems like they are just throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks.


so they should have called it ProVS Wall…

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Is that a Playstation joystick? Lol

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Called it!

Cant even design their own joystick…

It totally looks like it’s from a Dualshock 3.


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Why would you ?

But they could if it was called for.

In engineering you don’t reinvent the wheel. You source reliable and economical parts.

It also means repair is possible and inexpensive.


Mindless pile-on

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No joy in this thread now - just stick

  • if anybody recalls and cares to tag me on its release (or ideally pre-release vids) that’d be grand … despite its size this could be a hoot (or a gift for my son who’ll be a ninja on the ‘waveform mix’)