Pressing play when MIDI slaved?

It used to be that when I had the OT slaved to ableton (via a novation remote zero), it would follow the transport and tempo of ableton when I ran the ableton sequencer, but I could also run the OT sequencer by itself by pressing play on the OT itself.

It seems I’m not able to do that anymore. If I press play on the OT while it’s set to receive clock, the play symbol lights up, but the sequencer doesn’t advance and the sounds don’t play.

I’m on OS 1.25c but I’m not sure whether this changed with the OS or not. I don’t think I changed anything else about my MIDI setup.

I also noticed that the tempo of the OT used to read “EXT” while the ableton sequencer was running and then read a tempo number (the last received tempo value, usually +/- 1 to ableton’s tempo) when the ableton sequencer stoped. Now it always reads “EXT” unless I turn off clock receive.

Is anyone else experiencing this? Anyone know what might cause this?

actually you can control it. if you mosey down to the project menu (func+mixer) and go down to midi and enter sync you can set the OT to send/receive clock and tranport.

ticking the receive tranport box will result with the ot accepting start/stop playback commands from ableton whilst setting recive clock will lock it down to ableton’s tempo and groove.

playing around with those settings should help.

Yes, I know those menu commands. I have the OT set to receive transport and clock, which it does. It just seems like when it is set to receive both of those; its own internal sequencer can’t run while the master sequencer is stopped. I just want to confirm that everyone else has this behavior also.

That is not proper behavior. I don’t know when I’ll get a chance to test my OT.