Any thoughts & ideas on this… if you have a sound that requires a sample but the sample isn’t in the sound pool it won’t play as expected / at all.
I noticed this tonight as I attempted to load an Elektron preset (Kick: A002 Quck) which when previewed has a metallic tone. When loaded, the sample destination is looking to slot 85 but in my current pool slot 85 is empty. So, the sample isn’t loaded and the preset doesn’t sound like the preview.
Am I doing something wrong? Or is this a bug / oversight in the preset system?…
Seems like this needs to be fixed then as the preset system is flawed: sounds which use samples only save the slot reference not the sample… So unless you have the exact same sample in that slot the sound preset won’t be like it was originally saved. This becomes apparent when you start new projects as the sample pool is empty.
I’ve messaged support about this over two weeks ago and not had any response. Probably THE most frustrating issue for me as it makes the whole preset system useless.
I got a reply from Elektron today and according to them, samples are loaded from the +Drive into the RAM when a preset is called up—however—there needs to be a free slot in the RAM pool.
I gave it a try and it worked (although, weirdly not the first time). But I then discovered a new issue, when previewing a preset (that uses a sample) the preset previews with whatever sample is currently in the sample slot the preset referenced when it was originally saved. Sorry, I realise that sounds confusing…
Say you load a snare with a clap sample in slot 10, when you preview that snare preset later in a new project it will preview except the sample played back will be whatever is currently in slot 10 in your project (eg: a bell or a vocal or even nothing etc.) But, when the preset is loaded, the correct sample will be loaded in and placed in the next free slot and the preset works as expected.