Preset projects - kits and patterns in the box

Does anyone know if they are any preset programs, kits (with scenes and performance settings) delivered as presets?
Can’t find any and i thought there were some demo stuff in the box

Should be. Go into Global menu, project, project manager and the first project should be entitled “Presets”.

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Hey, I just bought the MKii and it has one kit in the machine with no other presets its weird. any help with this?

Second hand then presumably ! Try reading about a Factory Reset in the manual - this will reload the factory content and start you in the first Project which may have been wiped

To access this menu, hold down the [FUNC] key while powering up Analog Rytm MKII. From here you can
perform a variety of tasks. To choose the different alternatives, press the corresponding [TRIG] key.

When performing a factory reset on the Analog Rytm MKII, it will overwrite and re-initialize the active RAM
project (including all pattern, kit, sound pool and global data). The +Drive project slot 1 will be overwritten
and re-initialized with factory preset patterns, kits, Sounds and settings. Sound bank A will be overwritten
with the factory Sounds.
If you wish to keep the active project, remember to save it to a +Drive project slot higher than 1 before you
perform a factory reset. To perform a factory reset, press the [TRIG 3] key
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