Preparing a live set on the Digitone

too bad for those clippings

I’m playing almost the same set tomorrow in the office. This week I tried to incorporate some of the excellent feedback @Reframe gave to me but I didn’t have time to address everything.

I haven’t rehearsed the live set since I played last year and after doing one full rehearsal today which wasn’t that smooth so I’ll YOLO it tomorrow. :man_shrugging:

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The live set was recorded and this time there’s pretty much no clipping :smiley:

This time I brought my stand and playing was more comfortable. Also, just like last time my rehearsal was around 35 minutes and the actual performance around 28, time is perceived differently when you are performing!


Nice work! what were you using for this?

Thanks! I used only a Digitone for the set except for the intro, it was my phone playing a song into the Digitone line in.

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