This is a silly question, but for years I’ve been simply shutting off my OT without saving when I’m done using it. It always saves my latest changes… but now I’m wondering if I should manually save before I shut down.
The reason I’m asking this is because recently I was getting a “check sum” error and one of my banks was blank.
Hm, I’ve had the check sum error with a missing bank. I believe I emailed support at the time and they said it was just a problem with the card? Not sure it’s related to saving
I use to not save on my OT too, until I noticed timing issues with projects that sample, after they were opened used several times with different BPMs etc they would become corrupt.
So now I’m in the habit of saving my parts, then project, sometimes as new for extra caution.
Problem seems to have been solved by this. I’m not sure who mentioned the saving of parts fix to me, but it solved the problem.
same here, I used to not save at all…once I started using parts it was important to start with saving the part since it would always be in “changed” state…no way to reload it if wasn’t saved first…I started saving the project as well after that