Post withdrawn by authoR

See a lot of this here. What’s it all about then?

People read what they wrote only after posting it.
They realize that they shouldn’t, so they delete it.
I am one of them people …


or they had a problem with workflow and solved it

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They should then share their solutions, well could not should :slight_smile:


People say stupid shit a lot (myself included) problem is online you leave a record. Elektronauts takes 24 hours to delete comments so people can flag stuff and mods can still read the comment should someone cross the line. People delete comments everywhere, it’s just here you can see it

So it’s a bit like saying something in a social settiing then regretting it after, so undoing it for the better?

lol it just means somebody deleted their post. The ‘why’ doesn’t matter, I was just teasing :wink:

Pretty much. Or any other reason someone might delete something. Could be offensive, unnecessary beef causing, or just not well thought out, anything

Like pouring a pint of milk down for a whining dog… then undoing it

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Before it pukeson your elektron machine

Sorry I’m drunk # removed by author


Don’t worry, you have 24 hours to sober up and come back to fix it all

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


Where did 24 hours go?

Does anyone have dogs that go mad when the WiFi smart meter looses connection and beeps loud as fuck?

No but we have a rabbit that gets mad and stomps her foot if you make clicky or slappy noises with anything… pens, tapping fingers, etc.

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Such a confusing environment for the animal kingdom

No but i have two Girls that Go Mad because " Frozen" stops playing on Netflix…

Let it gooooooooo…


Tough one.