Possible to make a supersaw?

How would I maybe go about doing a trance supersaw?

Get a JP-8000?


Get a JP-8000?


anyone have a real answer?

I know I can layer sounds a bit but I was wondering if there was any hacks or tips anyone of you guys have discovered.

Not particuarly. your best bet is taking Algo 8, setting the harmonic for the B operator to a saw waveform, and using the unison mode to create that sort of effect? i never tried, but it’s worth a shot.


wow thanks, I will try this, definately worth a shot, I always forget about the unison mode!

one other point, make sure you set the mixer all the way to Y, so the other operators aren’t heard. you would just want the one saw, then with the unison you can add more voices. Happy knob twiddling!

I know I can layer sounds a bit

Ahh, yeah that layering function too. give it a shot. there’s a lot of possibilities in that machine. While i was building a RE-303 I made a really good emulation of the sound on the digitone. same operator, and only letting the B operator come out. then use the filter envelope for squelch.


You can get something close to it with a saw type lead base patch, then some chorus and unison. There’s a few presets that make for really fat and wide leads this way too, thought they’re not exactly classic supersaws.


I have something super-saw-ish using ALGO=8. You can get 2 saw voices out of it by using B2 with FDBK=60 (single op with fdbk in FM makes a saw), then you can use C with HARM=-7 for your second saw. B1 can be configured as a sinewave sub-osc (B1 ratio=0.5). FDBK>60 starts to add noise. Modulator A at a higher ratio of 2 or 4 can be used to add overtones and dynamics but isn’t strictly necessary. Leave Mix in the middle to let both saws come out.

Then on SYN1 page 2, set ratio offsets of -0.05, 0, 0.05, 0.06 or something around that. gives a detuned feel. Then you can add SYN1 page 1 detune for even more, and then add 2 Unison voices with ~60 unison spread (or to taste). Chorus rounds it out.

set LFO1 to Ratio B2 Offset, triangle or sinewave, and a very minor speed and depth and this will create some detuned beating / phase instability feel. Final layer is LFO2 to amp pan, sinewave at a slow rate medium depth, again to create the feeling of phase instability in stereo.

i know its an old thread but no other super-saw topics and figure someone else might search on it. cheers :slight_smile: