Possible to copy/paste banks? (and other project management q's)

The title says it all, but I was wondering if it’s at all possible to copy and paste banks? I somehow can’t find it in the manual.

Next, sorry to beat what is probably the dead horse of everyone’s first questions when beginning with Octatrack but I was wondering:

  1. Are these appropriate metaphors (for example, in the context of planning a live set)?

[li]Set = Everything[/li]
[li]Project = ‘Live Set’[/li]
[li]Banks = ‘Tracks in the live set’[/li]
[li]Parts/Patterns = ‘Parts/arrangements of the track’[/li]

  1. Can I rename a Project?

  2. Can I ‘init’ or clear a bank? (all p-locks, filter settings etc, so it’s a complete blank slate?)

I suppose that’s it for now.

I’m sorry to bump this, but I’m just wondering if anyone has any answers or guidance? (Am I way off with how I perceive the workflow or something?) :neutral_face:

  1. That does work and is common. I have been working a song or two per project in order to abuse parts lately. I end up using only 1-4 patterns per bank.

  2. Yes, Save as new. Delete old.

  3. Copy and paste an empty bank.

Hey StinkyBeat, thanks a ton for the response. I was just wondering, how do I copy and paste a bank? It was actually what sparked my question in the first place :slight_smile:

I used to REALLY want to be able to copy a bank as well, mostly to be able to make my templates easier, but now I realized that copying and pasting Parts does exactly what I wanted to do by copying a bank…

After reading Merlin’s “Some thoughts on Elektron’s Octatrack” many lightbulbs went off and it cleared up so many things for me! I really recommend reading this if you haven’t already :wink:

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