Possible to change pattern in octatrack via program change

hello guys

my live setup include my mpc 2500 with jjos as master,I recently got an octatrack and I find it a perfect companion

question is,its is possible to change patterns on the same octatrack project via program change from the mpc?

does octratrack can recieve this? pattern change via program change as slave?


Anyone please?

Need to know if the OT can recieve PC to change OT patterns

So everytime the mpc change sequence theOT change patterns as well…

Please help!


I was able to get the OT send PC my mpc1000. But not the other way around. On the OT I went to function + project went to midi sync and set the prog ch to send.

It actually works well. Keep the OT as the master.

I use a Behringer FC 1010 to change the patterns on the OT. PC1 selects pattern 1, PC2 selects pattern 2 etc. Just make sure you got the program change “receive” box checked in the midi synchronize menu.
Also DON’T SEND A PC VALUE OVER 16. It erases every pattern of the project apparently.

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