Polyend Play

A shill is a fake customer in a scam that is going to encourage the mark (the potential victim) to fall for that scam. The Polyend Play Plus isn’t a scam as far as I know. Calling Ben Jordan a shill is hyperbolic at best.


It might be the best option for people that are dissatisfied with a manufacturer not buying anything more from them and move on. We all buy stuff thinking about reselling after trying/fullfiling curiosity, but in the end it was our choice to buy it and take the risk. In the end we can always vote with our money.


jesus, enough about the definition of shill :hear_no_evil:

let’s move on shall we :point_right:


If Play just had rudimentary time stretch and some basic slice algos (beats, zero cross, transient, etc) and then you could apply the Euclidean/random/microtiming to the triggers, it would instantly be a must have sample mangling device.

Instead, it’s really just a sample player, which is the thing that holds it back more than anything. The synth engines definitely expand the capabilities of the device and make it a self contained composition box, but it feels like Polyend doesn’t know what the coolest features of their own device are or what they could be given the interface that they developed.


yea its a bit of a mess innit. they missed the mark with both of em I think.

should be sorta in line with the tracker mini but different sequencers / interface imo: mic, sampling, resampling, slicing, proper envelopes & lfos, internal synths. then it’s either tracker or piano roll grid thingy.

It’s 3 knobs with six macros total. All the parameters can be edited in the edit screen. And you can define the macros and tie a mod matrix into the mix. They look like decent synth engines.

I’m with you. I paid $799 at launch. It’s still great as a sequencer and drum machine. I definitely won’t buy another one of their products again after this. The most annoying thing about the device to me is the lack the fact that you can’t access the SD card over usb. I find it a huge pain in the ass to pull it out and find a card reader to move samples or update the firmware.


that’s a pretty minor gripe in all fairness. could be a lot worse :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

In light of Benn’s recent video, I’ve gone back and edited my previous comments - I do believe him when he says Polyend doesn’t pay him - but I also think his close relationship with them makes him far from impartial. I believe he has acknowledged that fact in a previous Polyend video, but it still colors his videos on their products in a way I can’t ignore. That doesn’t excuse outright vitriol. Frankly, I think even my relatively mildly accusatory comments here crossed a line, and I dislike that I contributed to robbing him of the joy of gear review videos. I almost always found them insightful and helpful.

On the topic of the Play itself, it really feels like Play+ is the device they wanted to make from the outset. I understand they need a continual revenue stream, and new products create interest, etc but I wonder if this would have played out differently if they’d waited and released this version?


Play+ isn’t a scam, but the Play (released just a year ago) sure feels like one now!

It’s quite clear now that it was substandard hardware for their product vision and they’ve abused the trust of those who bought the Play.

This is no way to treat customers or run a product company.


shill we?


Ouch, thankfully I didn’t pay that much but still going to take a hit if I decide it’s not for me. I’m looking forward to it, but now knowing what I do know about the plus I should have waited longer. The funny is I was saving up for one for a while, because you know live wihin you’re budget and then Polyend pulls this hahaha.

Much of this thread and the comments on YouTube is another case of people expressing opinions in toxic ways without considering people exist on the other side of their words.

I wonder if Polyend did this while providing the exact features everyone wanted if there would be so much anger? A lot of people did ask for engines on the Tracker and the Play. They delivered, and had to update hardware to provide the functionality. Instead of selling a new synth specific device they are giving existing Play owners an upgrade path. I think they tried to be fair without bleeding money. I know Poland is experiencing record inflation right now.

I’m also disappointed that specific functions weren’t included. But attacking the company and those sharing the new hardware seems pointless. If I want something in life I’ve found kindness goes farther than being angry. Plus you can just not get the device? If like me you bought the Play this is unfortunate, but a car depreciates 30% when you drive it off the lot. I do want more functionality, but I bought it for what it did. Not for what I could sell it for later. I’ll add new wish lists on Backstage and cross my fingers.

I do think 12 internal tracks and 16 midi is pretty useful in the new plus. Or 16 internal tracks. Also the OG Play will be a steal for those in the market. Nothing in that price range for what it offers.


I think the difference with the Deluge and other gear is that they write closer to the core within the code. I think Polyend has a framework they are building on top of.

off topic slightly

I wish to live in the world you’re living in. Prices are starting to come down but for the past three years used RAV4 Hybrid’s from Toyota have been going for MSRP even two years old with 40k miles.

This age old proverb doesn’t seem to stand currently and may not stand moving into the future depending on how car manufacturers want to work.

It certainly doesn’t generally stand with synthesizers and most music equipment, value holds well most of the time. Notable exceptions are TE OP-Z for QC issues and most Polyend devices

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Hey you can totally mangle the sounds on play! Ever try recording a bunch of motion on the parameters? I have videos where I am doing all of that. I can make a standard beat sound glitch crazy by the end of it! record enabled, turning roll , even track length can be automated, which is nuts! I am not sure everyone has tried that, it is awesome :slight_smile:

In regards to upgrading, simply I am not going to upgrade unless I see a better price. Not pissed at all, I think I enjoy the original play enough to just use that for what it can currently do.

off topic

It’s definitely mixed, but still is mostly true. It depends on the car, and where you are selling.

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I think personal attacks are crossing a line, but expressing anger at Polyend is totally justified and necessary. I’m all for voting with your dollars/euros/yen/etc, but public outcry has a more immediate effect and gives the company a chance to change course if feasible. Synth manufactures and influencers created this YT hype monstrosity. They will have to deal with the blowback that happens from time to time.


Sure, you can automate sample start and other parameters to get some glitched out stuff, but they could add some basic features to make it like an algo driven sample slicer rather than just a glitch box.

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I think people need to take some personal responsibility.
You can’t control what a company does. If you buy something that you don’t think is worth the price you’re paying, or if you’re believing the hype, aka marketing, then it’s your choice.

Things were fine yesterday, now things suck, but nothing actually changed.