Hello all you lovely nauts.
Is it possible some how to plock each trig on a Retrig? So if I want one of the 32 notes in a retrig to be a different pitch, can I do that?
Thanks in advance.
Hello all you lovely nauts.
Is it possible some how to plock each trig on a Retrig? So if I want one of the 32 notes in a retrig to be a different pitch, can I do that?
Thanks in advance.
Using trigless locks you can change the trig note value while a retrig is running. However if the pattern is running in x1 speed and your retrig is in 1/32 rate you need to use µtiming of the trigless locks to only affect one of the “retrig hits”. Without µtiming you will allways affect at least two “retrig hits”.
The basic idea here is to use two trigless locks to change the trig note value. One to change the pitch and one to change it back.
Example setup:
Pattern running in default x1 speed, a retrig with the length of 1/4 and the rate of 1/32 is giving you 8 “retrig hits” starting on pattern step 1.
Say we want to change the pitch of the fifth “retrig hit” +3 semitones.
Add a trigless lock on the third sequencer step that changes the trig note to +3.
Add another trigless trig on the fourth sequencer step that sets the trig note to 0 and set the µtiming to -1/32.
This works for all uneven “retrig hits” (3, 5 and 7 in my example) but when it comes to affecting the pitch of the even “retrig hits” it’s impossible to get a clean pitch change since the the µtiming of the second trigless lock can’t go any further then -23/384.
For example the best we can do if you want to change the pitch of the second “retrig hit” is:
Add a trigless lock on the second sequencer step that changes the trig note to +3 with the µtiming of -1/32.
Add a trigless lock to the third sequencer step that changes the trig note to 0 with the µtiming of -23/384.
Depending on the track sound being used the transient of the third “retrig hit” will be in one pitch and the rest in another. (Might sound cool on some stuff and like shit on other.)
I would say the short answer to your question is: No you can’t do that.
The long answer above proves that it’s possible to tweak some individual “retrig hits” although getting full control of all of them isn’t possible since the pattern is running in half the speed of the retrigs. (Like you can’t set individual pitch on the first four “retrig hits” using trigless locks.)
Other ways:
The obvious is having the pattern speed to x2 and use regular trigs. This gives you full control and you can write small melodies in 1/32. But that kind of defeats the purpose of retrigs all together…
P-lock the LFO to affect the pitch on the same sequencer step as your retrig trig. Kind of chaotic way but it does work if you want different pitch on all of the “retrig hits”. Problem with this one is that you can’t have trig note value as a LFO destination so so either have to change the pitch of the synth voice or the sample.
Wow. This goes above and beyond what I was looking for. Thank you very much. These are great ideas and could work in a thousand cool other ways. Awesome.
No problem, I hadn’t really thought about this until I read your question. Was fun trying out how this could be done using trigless locks.
For now I’m using live record to gradually pitch shift. I’ve also got it setup in performance mode which is lots of fun. I’ll try your way when I need to get more specific.