It feels for me like i am a stupid guy with no knowledge when it comes to understanding Analog Four’s kits/sequences relationship.
I want somebody (PLEASE) to make it clear for me, so i will give an example…
I make a nice pattern out of given preset sounds and i wanna use that live… then i save the kit and want to make new pattern with new sounds.
When i switch it, the same kit is there… Ok, no problem… i delete the kit (or clear track sounds) and start fresh…
But then i go back to the first pattern and the kit is gone!!!(???)
I mean… It makes me crazy. Of course, i can reload the kit… But i wanna go seamlessly back and forth… always new kit for that pattern.
When you buy A4, it comes with patterns and kits…which, when you switch them, they automatically change the pattern and the kit…
I thought the only reason there was a save pattern function was to enable editing of trigs and p locks (jamming) and then reverting to the saved pattern. Saving pattern does not seem to save a kit-link. (As tested on an empty pattern.)
I just did a little experiment and the kit is only linked to the pattern if there is a trig present.
If there are no trigs the pattern won’t remember the kit.
So if you always save your kits as unique files and always have at least one trig present it should do what you want. I can see this being a downer if you just want to play the keyboard and use pattern switch as kit switch, in this case you would need to plAce a trigless trig (function+trig).
What always confuses me more are the Transpose settings. With that i always fucked up my patterns. At the end, when i created a new pattern started recording something live via the little keyboard, i always had the problem, because of some hidden transpose, that the sequence never was played back just as i recorded it. REALLY frustrating. Only tabula rasa helped.
I just tried the save kit+pattern. It doesnt work.
Everytime i revert back to other pattern, it always plays the kit from previous pattern (last loaded kit)
Ill check the tabula rasa solution when i get some good night sleep.
All this things are frustrating me and i want to sell my a4 and also MD now… all this is making me useless live.
But, i know that there is somewhere a solution waiting.
KIT RELOAD ON CHG will cause kits to reload to their saved state automatically as soon as a new kit becomes
active. This is useful if you for example play live and have tweaked a kit, want to save it and then return to a pattern
featuring the same kit, but with its original settings.
I put the KIT RELOAD ON CHANGE on, but it didnt help.
The soulution was to, when i switch to another pattern (still using the kit from the previous one), to LOAD a NEW kit!!!
Before, I used the command CLEAR kit, to start fresh with new sounds on a new pattern,
and because the kit from the previous pattern was STILL ACTIVE, it deleted it from all patrterns.
So, there must be a new kit loaded on a new pattern, that becomes active for given pattern.
Finally got my head around it and there is no more excuses to do a live set.
Patterns are saved automatically when you edit them. You have to save a pattern only if you mean to modify it and later come back to the original version by loading it.
Patterns are linked to a kit. If you move to a new pattern it will be linked to the last kit you were playing ( very useful when you want to make different variations of a pattern).
If you want to start with a blank pattern AND a blank kit, you have to move to an empty pattern AND THEN LOAD AN EMPTY KIT. the kit you have loaded will be linked to the pattern and you can start programming it. Just remember to save the kit when you have finished editing it, or it will be lost at the next power cicle if you have moved to other patterns/kits, as the A4 remembers only the last active page when you switch it off without saving kits. As stated earlier no need to save patterns unless you mean to do some live pattern editing and then get back to a previous state. Hope it helps.