Play me the sound from your window

or perhaps employs one, I can see there being some rather heated dictation delivered from time to time in this present state of the world.

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so to recap…the view…

the sounds…
you picture lovely nature sounds. NOPE. fucking hell…

not a great recording. just done with my phone

freight trains most of the day. they have a stop right by our place. and when they stop its like an explosion [not lucky enough to capture that this time. ill keep trying]. and when it happens at 3 or 4 in the morning, it’ll scare the shit out you.

what you will notice as well, when the freight train gets up to speed and quiets, you can hear the SkyTrain VERY COOL…it comes by every 2-5mins all day. and will come every 10min from 10PM to 2AM. :+1:t6: the police station is near by, so I was fortunate enough to get a cop doing a little bloop. but they go off A LOT around here. I have NO idea why. assholes reving their motorcycles [motorcycle rev’s at 0:24]…and doing burnouts in their mustangs, most of the night [as im typing this a whole shitload of cop cars just went off]

also cool is there is another tower across from us, and the sound reflects like CRAZY between the two buildings. so unfortunate to not be on the other side. the ambient NOISE you hear, if a fake waterfall between the buildings that is far from natural sounding. sounds like a running bathtub. and when the fucking trains wake me in the early hours, the sound of that fucking waterfall keeps me awake.

there was MUCH less traffic during Covid. we moved in during the height. it was quiet. when Covid restrictions were dropped, traffic went WAY up, and its awful.
im losing my shit and my sleep. we had no idea when we moved here.
its awesome for werking on music tho…FUUUUUUUUUU


apologies for the rant, im just on EDGE


nice view though, you’d expect this

I posted this 13m ago, I recorded the freighter 14m ago…another one is going by RIGHT FUCKING NOW. kill me

@shigginpit you would think…its more like this

sounds like you need some of this

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night bugs and a meandering locomotive.


woke up early and recorded some birds

