Pitch lock from midi keyboard


how do i store pitches on a4 when inserted from external keyboard?


I don’t understand the question. Are you trying to record pitch data into the step sequencer? Are you trying to save pitch data with the patch so when you load the patch, it corrects to specified octave?

Perhaps you could rephrase the question.

im just rying to make a melody!


Real time recording - just hit keys ! Make sure ext kid is either on track channel or auto channel, might have subtly changed in recent OS, so auto probably safest channel

Step/grid recording - hold trig and then press key on keyboard, as you would with mini keys, try auto chan which you set on external device to match setting in a4

Does the A4 have the step mode that the MnM has? If so that would be ideal for the OP


i can record midi from my keyboard, bot not insert notes like on mnm.

should this be possible?

In grid record mode: Hold trig and hit notes. Easy

Pro Tip: Read the replies :zonked: