thanks everyone! (some)stuff makes a lot more sense now and your pointers have been really helpful. sometimes I wish the manual wasn’t as scattered. It’s all in there though.
what still bugs me is that the tempo, detected by the OT, is always double time (i.e. my 75bpm loop is set to 150bpm) - which is probably due to me not playing very accurate. I know how to work around, but wish I didn’t need to.
It also would be very cool to be able to sequence effects on the pick up track itself which would allow some cool poly rhythm with only one track since sequencer and recorded loop are detached anyway. these trigs could (or would have to) be trigless by default.
I hope elektron is planning on giving the pick ups some more attention again and give them a bit of an overhaul (it should be possible to set the length of slave machines to X0.5 or X0.25 for instance)
maybe I can craft a bit more precise scenario and might have to bug you with more questions then… right know I’m just dabbling and trying to figure out how I could get my set up more “playable”…
cheers again for your help