Petition: Implement Scenes for midi tracks

Fader sends (and receives) CC#48.


Helping people put midi hub to work since 2020

Isn’t the caveat that external audio cc has to be enabled? I guess that would be obvious, but I think I remember using ableton to send cross fader values to a mega break of doom and having that set to internal only and it wasn’t working.

It probably confused me initially because I assumed cc48 was associated with the midi cc and not the audio cc. Derp.

I misunderstood this too in my early days with the OT. As a concept I didn’t get what “audio CC’s” were, for me CC’s are midi by definition. That’s one of those clumsy misnaming issues… Once you get the idea that the midi sequencer and the audio sequencer are two totally independant entities that share the same protocol for external interaction (midi) it becomes a bit clearer but better naming of some functions and parameters would have avoided many a grey hair all over the planet.

I use many a scandinavian-engineered product in several domains, but they all seem to share this “Ikea-syndrome”: many convoluted ways to go to the same place, and new names for existing and well-established concepts that make the products look “deep”. They’re all fine, but often confusing.

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I wanted to do this thing with the MIDI arp and the fader…
but it didn’t work.

So +1 for cc and MIDI arp to be implemented in the scenes!

That would be awesome :black_heart:
Think about the harmonic possibilities.
Audio and MIDI conpkerely in harmony with each other.


It’s discussed over and over on the forum: it seems that implementing scenes for Midi tracks would choke due to the huge amount of possible Midi cc’s you can have with scenes.

Still as already proposed, they could propose scenes with limited tracks/parameters to keep low the amount of midi data. At least, muting midi tracks would be more than necessary.

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