am i being daft, or is it not possible to map the filter ‘track’ controls to knobs in the performance parameters?
i use that filter control a lot, and it seems a shame not to be able map to to the performace knob/s.
am i being daft, or is it not possible to map the filter ‘track’ controls to knobs in the performance parameters?
i use that filter control a lot, and it seems a shame not to be able map to to the performace knob/s.
yeah it’s true. not all parameters can be modulated by macros/LFOs etc.
a big omission imo, same with the second page octa
tho filter is avail A4 perf mode, not sure if im reading the op right
there is quite a bit they could add in this area IMO
note length comes to mind as well
not just be being thick, then
i guess there is always the possibility of more mappable parameters being added in an update…
+100 on note length.
+100 expanding available assign/destinations for macros. Almost seems an oversight on an instrument with such a deep modulation matrix.