Performance Pads - Longer Reverb Tail?


Say I want to make a build, so I press the performance pad which I have set up so that the reverb is increased on most tracks. Then when I release, obviously the reverb dies off quickly, since I released the pad which makes the reverb effect louder. But is there some way that I can have a long reverb tail?

This would be great since one has to go back quickly from performance mode to mute mode to unmute/mute stuff as well as other things which has to be done when a drop happens. A longer reverb tail would give me more time.

Thank you!

The way I do this is to switch quickly away from Performance mode while still holding a reverb pad. You press the pad, switch to Mute/Scene mode, then let go. And then it’s still engaged when you switch back until you touch it again.

If that doesn’t sound like how you want to work, you might be better off using a scene to control the reverb increase.

Also, you can map the decay of the reverb from the efx section to a performance pad. Set up a nice long decay and it will create a longer tail.

Thank you guys, I will experiment more with what you said in mind!

Thing is I have the decay increasing when I press the pad, but then when I release the pad the decay goes down again, and it gives me a much shorter reverb tail than what I would like.

There is another way to “lock in” a Performance parameter, but without leaving the Performance page.

Hold down your track pad, then hold either the “Retrig” or “Track” button (I prefer the retrig, as I rarely use that feature), then let go of the pad first.
The key is not to let go of the button and pad at the same time. Let go of the pad first, then let go of the button.

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On the 2 right top corner perf pads, I have Del Fb and Rev dec/saturation (with high pass filter taking away low rev frqencies

Hh, rims, claps, bass, etc, they send rev and /or del by pressing the perf pad at the same place as their synth pads.

It makes it possible for me to create kind of white noise spaces in my beats, to create tention and space