Performance Mode edit=Can't hear the sound change

When I’m editing the setup for the Performance Mode, I can’t hear any of the changes it would do to that parameter. I have to go all the way back to the main manu to hear the knobs performance. This is very limiting.

My other solve is to test out cool ideas while editing the sound, then go into the Performance Mode to set it up and back again.

Has anyone made it possible to hear the tweaks while in Performance Mode? Or is this a limitation?

In Perf Setup the Trk Level (left side of LCD) acts as the amount of that Performance Macro.
So if you turn it fully clockwise (value=127) and start to tweak amounts for destinations,then you hear the effects of the Macro when it is at its maximum effect.

I don’t find limitations, expect for the number of buttons you have to press to get in the right page for assigning destinations

Fantastic! Thanks so much, now I finally hear it.

Yep… Just figured that out myself… One thing is… It would be nice to save and load different performance templates. It takes A LONG TIME to set those up.

I would prefer a quickier way to get into the Perf setup page.

Having too many things to save and recall can be quite confusing for me.
I already make a mess when forgetting to save the kit or the pattern