Perfecting Loop (end) Trim in DT Sampler


in light of being able to use @dialectrics’ great timestretch trick, you need to have a perfect start and end of the audio file (not start / end parameters in digitakt, as you put start on 60 which is in the middle, but actual start and end point of the audio file, so basically trimmed perfectly before saved and assigned to track.(That is; if your audio source comes from sampling with the DT)

This is of course easily done in software like ableton. But I was wondering if it’s possible to live record a loop into DT and then proceed to use the LFO for dialectrics’ trick right away. So for the beginning of the audio file you can use the threshold and arm the recorder - it will start recording exactly when the loop starts playing that you want to record. However for the ending, it’s more complicated as you can’t stop recording once it’s silent, and trimming the end is possible visually, but you can’t preview as only the beginning of the loop will preview and not the ending. Hope I am making myself clear in my question here.

Would love to hear some thoughts!
Thanks in advance

I have used this technique for a long time, on various devices, but never found a way to capture perfect loops on DT.

There is an iOS app with transfer functionality which would probably be the least painful way to do what you want, edit the sample on iOS then transfer it straight back to DT.

You don’t need your sample to be a perfect loop. You just need a section of a sample that can be looped. The start point of the sample just needs to be set in the middle of that section. And the LFO depth just needs to be the distance between the start point you set and the beginning or end of the loop.

For example, if your sample was a perfect loop but you just wanted to use the first half of that loop, you would set your start point to 30, which is halfway between the beginning of the sample and the midpoint of the sample, which is 60. And then your LFO depth would be 30.

It’s the same principle when your sample isn’t a loop at all. The difference is that you’re just not going to wind up with whole numbers. I find that the easiest thing to do is set the start point to the middle of the section you want to loop and then adjust the depth until the you’re triggering the beginning of the sample.

I’ve also got a few videos building off of what dialectics did. In this one, I use the LFO to slice my sample instead of time stretch. But it’s the same basic set up. And in it I demonstrate what I mean by setting up the LFO with a sample that’s not a loop. Also, fun fact you can do sample slicing and time stretching with the same LFO.


interesting, thanks! So simply taking the middle of the section as start point and then adjusting the depth until you reach the desired beginning of the loop should do the trick then. Can’t wait to try it out! Will have a look at the rest of your videos :slight_smile:

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