Patterns locked to 4parts/kits

Hi there.
I just borrowed an OC to try out for my setup. I would like to use it for a bit of perc, play samples and sampling my other gear. Im thinking about using it instead of my computer when playing live. By now its working great! I just wondered if any of you could tell me why its not possible to change samples on the same track on each pattern? On the A4 its possible to change “kits” on each pattern. Which i see as the same as parts? I know that you can work with the plocks but in my opinion its not as “free” to work with, and if you by accident loose one - its gone.
So as I get it you can “only” use the four parts as different “kits” for the 16 patterns?

The sample chain approach might be what you need - search on the forum there’s lots of tips and some ready made chains in the files section.

Basically one sample slot can hold a chain of hits that you can access ‘per slice’ so you could have a chain of different hats, clicks etc or even chains of totally different sounds.

this is a nice repository from the old forum

Cool. I will take a look at it. Seems like a nice workaround. Thanks guys

If you want to have the maximum amount of different songs using different samples, then you are limited to 4 patterns for each part
Perso i use around 2 songs per bank, sometimes with 2 parts for 1 song

It’s possible that you are trying to replace the sample slot’s sample by another sample, whereas when you change part (or just in general) you have to choose a new sample slot (128 flex, 128 static), if you change the sample in the same slot, that sample will replace the original in all patterns regardless of the part…

There are sample locks too. They enable a sample, different from the one assigned by the part, to be played on a step.