I’ve so many times lost a nice patternt because I want to go to global settings for routing and accidentally go from pattern to song setup and thus lose my pattern settings…
Is there any way to return those settings? I suppose not…
Anyway, this is the ONLY thing I hate about this machine…
I can see how this is annoying. I constantly save my kit. Also as a backup you can go to kit-load-undo. This should restore the last settings you had. Check page 24 of the manual.
lol yeah i do a warm up now where i go in and out of the mode a few times before getting started.
imo it’s kind of backwards that you hold function to go to global instead of arrange and don’t hold function to go to kit instead of arrange setup. but maybe my brain just sucks.
i tried setting up a “song” that goes 000 jump to 1 -> 001 loop infinite and it freezes the machinedrum lol. but you can do a jump loop and anything less than infinite will basically just stop, which is better than loosing a kit.