Pattern changing with stopped sequencer

When sequence is stopped pattern is changing between choosen one and pattern in bank A1. Trigs are added to A1. Only when I click play button I can add trigs to another pattern. Any ideas how to fix it?

Master length in function page is set to 1

I had this problem too and notified Elektron. They confirmed there was a bug in 1.24B and recommended downgrading to 1.24. That solves it.


Where can I get 1.24? I also have 1.24b and noticed some other weird behaviour (pattern clear only works in running mode, not stopped).

Here you go:

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Sorry about this. There was an issue when building the latest firmware.
Please downgrade to 1.24 (link above)


Thank you, but I don’t know why it doesen’t recive the new OS, I already tried in both ways to upgrade…

without much accompanying info it’s hard for us to help you !

How is C6 configured in terms of input/output devices ?

What USB setting do you have in terms of OB Mode ?

Where is the MIDI coming from and received to USB/DIN/Both ?

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I did it! everything it’s ok!!! thank you very much!!!

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you guys are the best!!!

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I’m also having this problem but I’m on 1.24c

Is anyone else moving back to 1.24 from C


I noticed some odd behaviour yesterday but assumed it was user error. The symptoms seem to be similar to this same issue so I’ve downgraded today. Thanks for pointing this out, it could make things very difficult when using multiple banks!