Patchbay setup question

I have a question about routing my gear through various outboard effects via a patchbay. I use a Mackie 1402 VLZ04 mixer which only has 2 FX sends/returns which is not enough for my 6 external effects. I like to run several of my source signals in stereo so I can pan them the way I like on the respective device (MD, MNM, for example). So, for example, if I want to patch my stereo MD signal into a stereo effect, that’s no problem. But what if I want to patch my stereo MD signal into a mono effect? What’s the best way of accomplishing that?

Best solution: matrix mixer
Other options:
Send tracks to an MD individual out
Get a 2nd mixer (mono)

If you want to use the MD’s internal effects and you have a spare MD track and the inputs are free, MD stereo out (channel returns from the mixer) to the MD inputs, thru machine with the track going to an individual out. Then you get some P-lock gating on your mono outboard effect send. You can also mute the send by muting the track with the thru machine. Return the mono effect to its own channel on the mixer if you want to run it in parallel with the dry md stereo signal.

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Thanks for the input. After considering this a bit more, a combination of these workarounds should work. I really only have two mono effects and one will be pretty much permanently tethered to the MD on a separate output, so that’s not a big problem. I could put the other one on one of the effects sends of my mixer and then that problem is solved, I suppose…at least if I am trying to make due with what I have…a MixWiz or Mackie Onyx 1640i would also work :wink:

I may still be interested in a matrix mixer since I enjoy their flexibility. I’ve used a Shure Auxpander but found it to be a little noisy so I stopped using it. Any recommendations otherwise? At one point I’d come across a beast of a matrix mixer but I didn’t bookmark it and never came across it again…maybe you’re familiar with it or another good option?

And thanks for the MD routing ideas…definitely going to give that a go.

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Perhaps you were thinking of the Speck Xtramix? It’s out of production but apparently excellent. I believe that Daren Ager uses one.
I use a combination of a Mackie LM3204 rack mount, an Auxpander, and two patch bays, but I would also be interested to hear about recommendations for other matrix mixers.

Yep, that’s exactly the one I was thinking of. Thanks!

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If you’re using a computer as part of your setup, some multi-output audio interfaces can act like matrix mixers. For example, I use a Roland Octa-Capture, which has 8 audio inputs and 8 outputs. Each pair of outputs has it’s own mixer control, so that any combination of inputs can feed each output. In addition, you can treat the inputs as dual mono or stereo pairs. That doesn’t quite let you use an output stereo pair as if it were two independent outputs, but it’s close.

You actually don’t even need a computer to make that work, though it’s fussy to set up without one.

I imagine other manufacturers’ audio interfaces can be made to work similarly.

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