Paint chips off A4 the very first day


Was just wondering if anybody who’ve got the A4 from one of the latest batches has problems with paint chipping off? I’ve just got one, and the plastic cover for it. Brought it to the studio in my backpack, in the laptop compartment, with the protective lid on, used it, put it in the locker, and next day saw that there’s no paint on two of the corners already…

It might be the lid which is the problem, it was weird from the beginning, didn’t stay on really, i’ve even requested replacement, which i was promised by Elektron buy which i never received…

Since then they just ignore my support requests, both considering the lid and the A4 itself, so don’t really know what to think.
I could easily save at least few thousand swedish kronor and buy it used, but i wanted to have it all new and shiny, with 3 years of warranty and stuff, and to support the company, and now i get the product which looks used after one day of the use, and no support really…I know that they are busy with AR’s deliveries, got mine already, still, i just don’t think it’s cool,hehe.

Thanks for reading this rant)) Any similar experiences?

Okey, just got the reply from Elektron support. They going to replace the panel on my A4 and give me the new lid plus t-shirt as a bonus, hehe. Well, let’s see how it goes.

I think the lids are a rip off. Ill fitting & too expensive.

I guess you’re right…they don’t really stay on, and for the price i’d expect it not to scratch the paint off my instruments at least…