
I purchased the rather expensive Elektron Overhub, it did not come with an adapter, WHY? Now I have to try and guess which adapter it needs, sure I can look and order the label on the actual hub, receive the part and the GD tip doesnt fit, TF?? Why for 70 am I having to deal with this crap?

Second issue is the damn thing doesn’t even work. When using the 3.0 hub overbridge does not work, it returns an error out of range or something like that so I have to use my $10 2.0 hub. This is the type of S that makes me just want to sell on my elektron gear, really goes deep under the skin, and I think elektron makes huge mistake alienating folks for a few dollars, bad mojo does not bode well in the long term.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Overhub - Can I use it without powersupply?