Overbridge sound quality?

I was wondering how good will the sound quality be going into the computer via the usb connection.
I hope it will be as good as a descent soundcard.

I believe Cenk mentioned 24bit

I believe Cenk mentioned 24bit[/quote]
Has anyone seen any mention of the rate?

I believe Cenk mentioned 24bit[/quote]
I really hope so. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

ā€¦straigth from the forumā€™s news page:
ā€˜Bi-directional USB audio streaming
Overbridge makes multi tracking easy. Connect a USB cable and record multiple Elektron machine voices to separate DAW tracks in 24 bit quality.ā€™

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Pretty sure it will use the DACs that are now used to feed the effects so it will sound exactly as good (or a little better) than what comes out of the effects right now. :slight_smile:

24 bit, great. now tell us the sample rate.

If it is a lowly 44.1k ā€¦thanks Iā€™ll just use the A4 Keys analog outs and go 96k into my RME UFX.

Iā€™m guessing no more than 48K since that is the spec of the converters on board.

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Not to rain on the parade but this is a place to use your ears. Often there are more important differences between converters at a given rate rate or sample depth than between two units with different specs. And keep in mind that the analog signal path around the conversion is just as important (but never spec-ed out) which is why you can find conversion units with the same specs hundred of dollars apart.

All that said the RME is a great unit to my ears (I use Apogee and am totally happy with the sound but hate their customer service).


i havenā€™t gone through and done comprehensive tests, but just listening in headphones (that definitely color the sound, but that shouldnā€™t matter as much here), I can hear a difference between plugging my headphones into my 2015 MacBook proā€™s headphone out vs plugging the same phones into the analog keys directly.
That might have something to do with the quality of the onboard DAC of my MBP, though. So maybe I just said nothing, haha.

It does 24/96!

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i have been experimenting with overbridge for some evenings now. Every time the sound quality was unacceptable low. more people have this problem? It is a problem for me with the rytm and with the analog four.

I would love to use ableton with my boxes, but now I don;t do this yet.

What kind of sound degration were you experiencing De wouzer? Iā€™ve been recording tracks with zero issues, using the 24 bit settings. Maybe the slightest narrowing of the stereo imaging, and some sub bass loss is all I hear.

To answer your question, itā€™s 24/48. And you can switch to 16 if you like in the Overbridge software. I currently use my AR as my soundcard and it sounds better than my Focusrite did.

With regards to the quality of the synth, I would say, better than through the analog outputs. There is some kind of signal path it bypasses. On my AR, where there is noise from compression and distortion, there is none through OB.

for me it is difficult to explain. Loss of sound quality, missing the depth of the analog sound, slightly distortedā€¦ just not as ā€˜sharpā€™ as it is without overbridge.

Good luck getting enough bandwidth to do anything better than 16 bit :wink:

My findings as well.

Testing the analog heat overbridge vs metric halo analog in the only i found is the stereo image is more close and the highs is more sharp with overbridge.With metric halo the sound is more sweet and analog with more stereo image and the bass is more fat and dynamic,the highs is more warm and seperate.
Is not bad the overbridge but if you have good converters you can find what sound you like more.

This happens to me with almost every AD converter I have used. Openness and imaging changes ever so slightly. My solution is to monitor everything post conversion, so you already hear how it will sound ā€œin the boxā€. Then you can make the lil tweaks necessary to get everything sound as you wanted again before even recording anything.

Iā€™m quite sure that the highend converters out there keep the converted sound ā€œtrueā€ to the original, but those converters have always been beyond my price range. YMMV


I did some very quick tests and I had the feeling that my A4 sounded better when recorded via overbridge versus my external Focusrite 2i2.

Does anyone here share similar experience, or it is likely my imagination?

Thanks a lot guys,