Overbridge in Linux/Ubuntu

I’m in the same boat, the only thing I want OB for is for streaming the 8 tracks separately for recording so I can run compressors and different effects on each. I have not kept up with the virutal installs of Windows, its all on the same hardware but the problem used to be the abstraction layer and latency. But recently I have been hearing that the VMs are getting direct access to hardware acceleration so it may just be a matter of time :crossed_fingers:

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Because these platforms are really far from satisfying the needs of creative community and it’s getting worse. I newer have had a working Overbridge with my Win10 machine. Now the 10.13.3 update broke my mac. I will fix these things eventually but its really getting harder.

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Dedicated low latency specialized audio OS, now we’re talkin… :slight_smile:

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What about the newer Roland and Korg usb interfaces, are those “class compliant”? I have not had a chance to dig in when I had the Roland Botique SH-01 but it was really straightforward, the interfaces just showed up in FL Studio and off I went.

I definitely agree that an open standard would not cripple Elektron sales, and would argue that it would probably give them quite a boost as some people are scared off from the closed proprietary systems.

Overbridge was / is a genious idea, being able to use your hardware with the same simplicity as a VST instrument with all the routing capabilities of software and still having all the goodies and workflow (when wanted & needed) that make for a machine that button pushers like myself love to have! Open it up! Let everyone have a crack at pitching into the overbridge ecosystem, new up and coming hardware companies would have another selling point helping them get off the ground too. It’s really a win win IMO.

There is obviously tradeoff, if you have a closed system, you get to control it, you get to control the quality / stability of anything using your platform. Apple for example, all the apps in the app store, they use the same widgets and buttons and so forth, they have the same type of apple UI experience. Its tight and they can deny anything they want to for any reason, and charge people to even BE developers. Android on the other hand, pretty open, but from app to app, people someone decide how the user experience goes and it can be vastly different from app to app. BUT the thing there is that out of that open architecture can come VERY NEW and VERY DIFFERENT and interesting things!

Anyways Im ranting, right now it is what it is, but I love to dream too :smile:


Except Renoise which rocks on any platform.


As are Bitwig, Audacity, Ardour and Reaper.


Of course - not sure why I forgot them… especially VCVRack, which is great, though I’ve had less fun with PD and Supercollider (Automatonism and ARGOPd are much more user-friendly though).

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Reaper’s pretty much free (I don’t use it often enough to pay for it; I would if I did) as it justs give a 5-second nagware announcement when it starts up.

I’ve got quite a few Linux VSTs as well, and there’s also the LADSPA plugins, quite a lot of which are created by Invada. it’s useful being able to preview and tweak the plugins in Audacity in real-time and with the proper GUIs now too.


I remember seeing a boxed version of Red Hat in Electronics Boutique, EB Games or whatever it was, and getting so excited thinking it was gonna overtake “Windoze”

Fun fact: new Akai MPC machines are running on modified linux


Not sure if that’s supposed to be a good or bad thing. things have not been going all to well in mpc land.

Driver’s would not need to be linux specific, a class compliant usb audio interface would do for most people. As long as I can record individual 8 tracks from Digitakt into Bitwig on linux I would be happy. Not sure if they want to go that way but many usb interfaces from the likes of Novation/Focusrite, Motu etc provide class compliant audio. No drivers required, at least on Macos and Linux for the most part… this is (the direction) where things should be going imho…


Hi there,

i’m wondering whether Overbridge might be released for Linux/Ubuntu?!
I’m using Bitwig on a Ubuntu machine.

Trying to install Overbridge via wine/msiexec causes an error!

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That most likely wont happen as I understand it.

I got Overbridge 2.0 beta to install using PlayOnLinux, and while the Overbridge system runs, as does the Analog 4 standalone plugin, no connection shows up.

I can’t get it to work on a Virtualbox install of Windows 10 either. The older version of Overbridge ran OK with Win 7 under Virtualbox.

While a native Linux port would be great, it doesn’t seem likely. We can hope, mind.


Search around on these forums, some clever fellow managed to extract the audio streams via USB. Full OB functionality is less than likely, though.

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That seems like an excellent suggestion!

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Apple sure, but beyond whatever preexisting concerns about price and closed-source software the Windows based PC isn’t doing any of this.

Is it possible to directly record M:S output in Linux through USB? And… Android?
Does someone achieved it? Which software have you used? :hugs:

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I don’t own one, but doesn’t the Model:Samples have class compliant audio? Meaning it just shows up as a USB audio device.

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