Overbridge: extra features?

If anyone from Elektron would like to chime in, will Overbridge give any extended features, like maybe more LFO’s and envelopes, or maybe more customizable envelopes?

Why would you expect that? It seems pretty clear that this is not at all what Overbridge is about.

i have to agree that seems like a very unreasonable expectation.
The big down side to overbridge will be for us windows ASIO users who will not be able to use our main audio interface while using Overbridge.

to my understanding… it will be more like a virus-TI … not an ASIO interface… but a VST interface that does all the talking to the hardware for ya…
so will it give you more lfo’s out of the box… hell no…
but could u use an lfo from your daw to drive some parameter in your vst-overbridge… hell yeah…
or use the output of your vst to feed other vst-fx… or viceversa… make some monstertune in some whack vst… and feed the output to your overbridge device… and use its filters and all that crap.
So more possibilities to do stuff… absolutely… will all of this be happening in your electron-device itself… NOPE.
the bigger your pc… the more you can do with it… or in my case… my laptop so old… I bet its not fast/big enough to use overbridge to a point where I say… hooray…

Agreed, it makes zero sense for Overbridge to be THE audio interface… The Virus Ti model of “its really just a VSTi to the computer” makes the most sense as you stated…and is an elegant solution…

failing that, a VST editor and leaving us to our own devices for audio input is fine my me…

Awesome! i don’t know why i got the impression it was the interface, but i am glad to be wrong in this case.

i really don`t see any benefit of this “feature”…how would u save your sound and then use the a4 or rytm without a computer??..instead of this, using your daws tools is far more versatile to me.

I was under the impression that it overbridge will enable the Analog 4 and RYTM to be used as a audio interface if you want to. It probably won’t force you to, working like a VST, but I do think it will allow straight USB recording of the Analog series signals.

All I really care about and please enable this Elektron is:


I had to put that in all caps in case someone from Elektron browses this thread. Every other synth in the world can have it’s midi recorded, and then edited in the DAW. It would make the Analog Four a great scratchpad for ideas that could later be refined. I get that Elektron doesn’t want to enable midi sequencing on the Analog series because it might cut into Octatrack sales. I get it… I don’t really agree with it but I get why they are doing it.

However with overbridge they can get around this limitation! By using the VST software, Overbridge should be able to communicate with the sequencer to the DAW and record those midi notes. And they shouldn’t even have to open up general midi sequencing from the device. Which I think is why it’s sequencer doesn’t send midi because otherwise you would be able to sequence pretty much anything from it.

Of course, if Elektron just enables midi sequencing, you’ll be making a lot of people very happy. :slight_smile:

that’s the whole trick:
That VST will follow all your knob movements of your overbridge compatible device… and its up to your daw to record your “movements” … So yeah… if your daw supports that type of recording… I expect nothing less then a flawless reproduction of what you just played/recorded…

even better… there is a good chance, that this will even be sample-accurate type of sync… (ok, that might not be the case… but I really think its a possibility)

And yes, all the inputs of your device should be accessable from that vst as I read stuff around the internet and what the youtube things claim… so Yeah… you probably will be able to hook your fav synth to your overbridge device and record that one through your machine into your computer…

Not sure how they do sequences as is… could be that you select the pattern in your daw… but have to program the pattern on your machine… or even do that from the vst…

I really hope it records all the notes and parameter movement of a pattern. That would make recording patterns for editing and arrangement within the DAW so much easier. If it sends all the CC’s to the DAW it would be easy to further automate anything that’s been recorded from the Elektron sequencer. Even just note on/off and pitch data would be amazing. But why not the whole thing. :slight_smile:

Exactly… keep in mind… this is just me logically looking at the info I find… I cant guarantee 100% that I am right…
But I would be bloody disappointed… The older I get, the more simple and efficient I want my workflow to be… and well a simple daw like renoise, a keyboard and a drummachine…maybe a microphone will be plenty… be easy… small footprint…
and still ables me to make all the genres of music I listened to from the age of 6 to my mid-30ties now.

everything instant recall… everything easily manageable… and all syncable with my video-productions… or my vj-stuff or what-ever my crazy old fool self want to do…
I know… not as rock-n-roll as how I did it for the last 20+ years… but more full circle, as I started out with trackers… and the best thing… I still be able to just take my drummachine to the sofa… so on those I wanna jam days… I just unplug the usb and walk away (versus the hand full of cables I have to remove to get 1 unit out of my setup)

So yeah… I really hope, my understanding of it all is correct, and they make it as great as I hope it to be.
it would be very close to what a whole lot of people are talking about in their feature-wishlists. the only thing is… u need a computer… which kinda blows if you really want to play on hardware only. but I just keep my octatrack + machinedrum for that… and like I said… u can always take the usb out and walk into the garden. its still a functional hardware-unit. I bet you can even take your garden jams back into the house and arrange them properly. use the patterns and stuff you just jammed out.

check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGn53AFXwZ0&feature=youtu.be
overbridge is explained very well at 11:44 in the video!

i do wonder whether elektron did their market research regarding the overbodge thing.

did they actually ask their user base if it was something they wanted, or did they just think “look at what we can do!” and implement it just for the hell of it.

I mean, why the fuck would you want to use your synth as a soundcard? Good soundcards are significantly cheaper than this synth and if you’re using the A4 as a soundcard you’re limiting its functionality as a synth.

It’s nonsense gimmickry - something us hardware users are paying high hardware prices to avoid.

We want new interesting sounds, not yet another way of recording them that we don’t need.

MIDI is the industry standard for synth control. studios don’t need lots of new-fangled workflows to confuse everyone - the good old routes are the most flexible and easiest to integrate.

The Roland V-Synth also had this audio over usb style interface YEARS ago. It’s hardly new and it was as useless back then as it is now as far as I can see.

Anyway, I can’t imagine the overbridge thing really impinges on activating MIDI out, as has already been said, because the MIDI data is essentially already there and just needs routing to a port.

Not a gimmick. As Cenk clearly states in the Sonicstate demonstration, overbridge will directly access the audio i/o of connected devices via a VST/AU plugin while your main soundcard remains available. This means that you will be able to free up your soundcard i/o for other uses. Also, everyone with an A4 will get access to individual outputs per voice. I’m going to make a wild guess that Elektron has other features cooking that will undeniably make overbridge a cutting edge tool . If you don’t use a computer in your setup, well I guess none of this will be much benefit to you. Personally I do, and as a result I already get to use a featureset far beyond the out of the box capabilities of the Elektron machines in my rack, though I have to say it has been a challenge to get the software side of my setup just right. I most definitely welcome advancements in this area to help simplify the process.

Overbridge is going to make a lot of DAW users very happy so it’s a great, forward thinking move by Elektron.

Instant recall with projects, easy DAW automation, ability to act as a soundcard in addition to your usual one, and never mind having 4 separate outs is something I know i’m very much looking forward to.

I want all the benefits of software with all the benefits of hardware. Overbridge brings this to the table.

Rather than making the workflow more complicated, it will make it more simple if you choose to use it. (Well I know it will for me at least) Nobody is going to force you though.

Why do you think USB over audio will be useless? We’ve already seen it demo’d at Musikmesse and it looks great. What’s not to like about getting individual outputs rather than 1x stereo output?

I’m assuming you meant audio over USB, is that possible? You can get the analogue sound out of the Analog Four and into a computer via USB?


I’m assuming you meant audio over USB, is that possible? You can get the analogue sound out of the Analog Four and into a computer via USB?[/quote]
of course! lol.

Shhh, I want him to explain the process.

All questions answered by Google search!


Has anyone. Seen a screenshot of overbridge? I’m dying to see it